Bernoulli 50 
At the recent World Congress, we had the occasion to celebrate the Golden Jubilee (50 years) of the Bernoulli Society, in a special event combined with our GA. With nearly 200 participants, this was one of the best attended GAs in the Society’s history, as is fitting to the occasion. You can watch the commemorative video, the Bernoulli Society Presidential Address that opened the event, and W.S. Kendall’s reflections on the Society’s second quarter-century, by following the corresponding hyperlinks.

The Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability was created in years 1973-75 and since 1975 it has been a member of the International Statistical Institute (ISI) family. 

The Bernoulli Society is an international organization whose objectives  are the advancement of the sciences of probability (including stochastic processes) and mathematical statistics and of their applications to all those aspects of human endeavour, which are directed towards the increase of natural knowledge and the welfare of mankind.

The activities of the Bernoulli Society include:

See Presentation of the Bernoulli Society for a review of these activities. 

The Bernoulli Society offers reduced membership for PhD students, new members and members from low and middle income countries and regions. Joint BS-IMS and ISI-BS-IMS memberships are also possible at a reduced rate. 

For the latest news see our News & Calls, Bernoulli News, eBriefs and our X page.

Since 2022 a secretariat of the Bernoulli Society has been functioning at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun, Poland. Please send any inquires to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

ISI logoRGB The Bernoulli Society is an
Association of the
International Statistical Institute

The Nicolaus Copernicus University is kindly
acknowledged for its generous support.

© Bernoulli Society