

Bernoulli Society Bulletin e-Briefs

Issue 58, November 2023




For information to be considered in the next issue, please contact Alessia Caponera This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by January 30th.


General News

New Officers

Sebastian Engelke (University of Geneva, Switzerland) has been elected for another term as Membership Secretary. Inés Armendáriz (UBA, Argentina) has become the new Chair of Latin America Regional Committee, succeeding Juan Carlos Pardo Millán. We would like to thank Juan Carlos Pardo Millán for his dedicated work over previous years.

2024 Bernoulli Prize for Oustanding Survey Article in Probability – Recipients

The 2024 Bernoulli prize for an Outstanding Survey Article in Probability goes to Stein's method for comparison of univariate distributions, Probability Surveys, vol. 14, pages 1-52, 2017.  Congratulations to the authors: Christophe Ley (University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg), Gesine Reinert (University of Oxford, UK) and Yvik Swan (Free University of Brussels, Belgium). More details about this award can be found here.

President-Elect and Council Members – Call for Nominations

At the General Assembly of the Bernoulli Society, held on July 18th, 2023, a Nominating Committee was established. It consists of Nancy Reid (Chair), Zengjing Chen, Claudio Landim, Victor M. Panaretos, Sonia Petrone, Mark Podolskij, Gesine Reinert, Leonardo T. Rolla, Arno Siri-Jégousse, Jingwen Song, Jeff Yao (non-voting). The task of the committee is to make nominations for the office of President-Elect (2025–2027) and six ordinary Council members (2025–2029). All members of the Bernoulli Society are invited to submit names of possible candidates (with basic information and the web address) to Ms Kamila Siuda at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by December 15th, 2023.

Willem van Zwet Medal – Call for Nominations

Nominations are now open for the third award of the Bernoulli Society’s Willem van Zwet medal. This medal is awarded for special service to the Bernoulli Society. The first and second awards were made in 2021 to Maria Eulalia Vares and in 2023 to Tomas Mikosch. Please take some thought as to whom you might wish to nominate for the third award of this distinguished medal! Nominations for the 2025 Willem van Zwet Medal should be communicated by email to the Willem van Zwet Medal committee care of This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The deadline for nominations is noon UTC, Monday 22 July 2024. For more details, both of eligibility for the award and of what is needed for the nomination, please visit the webpage here.

Rousseeuw Prize for Statistics – Call for Nominations

Nominations are now open for the second Rousseeuw Prize for Statistics, awarded by the King Baudouin Foundation, Belgium. The prize is named after its sponsor, the statistician Peter J. Rousseeuw. Nominations, including letters of recommendation, are to be submitted by February 29th, 2024, on the website here which contains all information about the prize and nomination procedure.

Call for Photographs and Video Footage

As the Bernoulli Society approaches its 50th year of existence, we are launching an effort to collect and archive photographs and video footage related to the society — whether from the distant or more recent past. If you have material you would like to share, please contact Ms Kamila Siuda at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Jian Ding Wins 2023 Loève Prize

Jian Ding (Peking University, China) has been awarded the 2023 Liné and Michel Loève International Prize in Probability (Loève Prize). The Loève Prize was created in 1992 in honor of Michel Loève by his widow, Liné.


Events Sponsored and Co-Sponsored by Bernoulli Society

6th IMS Asia Pacific Rim Meeting

January 4–7, 2024
Melbourne, Australia

The Institute of Mathematical Statistics APRM will provide an excellent forum for scientific communications and collaborations for the researchers in Asia and the Pacific Rim, and promote communications and collaborations between the researchers in this area and those from other parts of the world. The program covers a wide range of topics in statistics and probability, presenting recent developments and the state of the art in a variety of modern research topics and in applications.

Registrations are still open! For more details, please visit https://ims-aprm2024.com/registration.

Bernoulli-IMS 11th World Congress in Probability and Statistics

August 12–16, 2024
Bochum, Germany

The Bernoulli-IMS 11th World Congress in Probability and Statistics will take place in August 2024 on the campus of Ruhr University Bochum, Germany. Held every four years, the Congress is a worldwide event covering all branches of statistics and probability. This includes theoretical, methodological, applied and computational statistics and probability, as well as stochastic processes. The latest scientific developments in all of these fields are showcased.

The Bernoulli Society special invited lectures have been announced and the complete list of plenaries is available here. Submission of abstracts for contributed talks and posters as well as proposals for organised contributed paper sessions is now open.


  • Proposals for organised contributed paper sessions: 30 November 2023 (decision before 15 December 2023)
  • Abstracts for contributed talks and posters: 15 February 2024 (decision before 31 March 2024)

For more details, please check the Call for Papers.

BIRS Workshop on Causal Inference and Prediction for Network Data

August 18–23, 2024
Banff, Canada

The Banff International Research Station will host the Causal Inference and Prediction for Network Data workshop in Banff, Canada, in co-sponsorship with the Bernoulli Society, through its Committee on Statistical Network Science. The workshop will bring researchers from theory, computation, and different applications together, to help theoreticians and methodologists focus on real problems, and to alert application researchers to the newest developments in methods. Virtual access to the workshop will be available via Zoom. Spaces will be limited. If interested in an invitation to attend, please contact Tianxi Li at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Job Offers

Faculty Position in Mathematics – EPFL

The School of Basic Sciences (Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics) at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) seeks to fill a Faculty position in Mathematics at the tenure-track Assistant Professor level. The position is intended for outstanding candidates with research interests in Discrete Mathematics, showing exceptional promise to develop into world leaders. Priority will be given to the overall originality and promise of the candidate’s work over any particular specialisation area. Applications should be uploaded by November 30th, 2023, to https://facultyrecruiting.epfl.ch/position/50036742. For additional information, please consult the webpage here.

Bernoulli Instructor – EPFL

The Institute of Mathematics at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) invites applications for a full-time Bernoulli Instructorship in Statistics. Bernoulli Instructorships are prestigious postdoctoral research positions hosted within the Institute of Mathematics. They offer complete research autonomy and provide travel support, for a period up to four years, allowing promising early career researchers (up to 3 years post-PhD) to launch their independent research career. For additional information, please visit the webpage here.

Tenure-track Faculty Positions in Data Science – IE University Madrid

IE University's Sci-Tech School is seeking four full-time, tenure-track positions in Data Science, commencing in September 2024 at their Madrid campus. The application deadline is January 30th, 2024. We are looking for researchers in data science, machine learning, and operations research with a focus on areas like healthcare, finance, and cybersecurity. The offer includes a competitive salary aligned with top European institutions, a seed research fund, health benefits, tax reductions for newcomers, and access to a vibrant campus in Madrid and Segovia. More details can be found here.


Recent Issues of Official and Sponsored Publications

Official Publications of the Bernoulli Society

Bernoulli https://projecteuclid.org/journals/bernoulli

Stochastic Processes and their Applications https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/stochastic-processes-and-their-applications

SpringerBriefs in Probability and Mathematical Statistics https://www.springer.com/series/14353

Co-Sponsored Publications

Have a look at http://www.bernoullisociety.org/index.php/publications for the latest articles in Electronic Communications in Probability, Electronic Journal of Probability, Electronic Journal of Statistics, Probability Surveys, Statistics Surveys, and ALEA.

Bernoulli News

Latest issue at http://www.bernoullisociety.org/index.php/publications/bernoulli-news


Bernoulli Society Bulletin e-Briefs

Issue 48, November 2021





For information to be considered in the next issue, please contact Bojana Milošević This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by January 30th.



General News


Nominations for ISI Officers’ Elections

The ISI Nominations Committee invites all members of the ISI and Associations to suggest names for the posts of President-Elect, Vice-Presidents and Council members for the next round of ISI Officers’ Elections. The presentation of candidates’ names with indication of post and motivation of the candidate’s suitability for the position should be sent to the Chair of the Nominations Committee, Victor Pérez Abreu (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) by 30 November 2021.



Call for nominations of President-Elect and Council Members

At the General Assembly of the Bernoulli Society, held online on July 8th, 2021, a Nominating Committee was established. It consists of Adam Jakubowski (President of the BS), Victor Panaretos (President-Elect, Chair), Herold Dehling, Leonardo Rolla, Christina Goldschmidt, Marcos Valdebenito, Gesine Reinert, Gerda Claeskens, Zengjing Chen, Juan Carlos Pardo Millán and Song Xi Chen (Scientific Secretary). The task of the committee is to make nominations for the office of President-Elect (2023-2025) and for ordinary Council members for the term 2023-2027. All members of the Bernoulli Society are invited to submit names of possible candidates (with basic information and the web address) to Victor Panaretos (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) by December 31st, 2021.



Call for nominations for the 2022 Wolfgang Doblin prize

The Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability welcomes nominations for the 2022 Wolfgang Doeblin Prize.

The Wolfgang Doeblin Prize, which was founded in 2011 and is generously sponsored by Springer, is awarded biannually to a single individual who is in the beginning of his or her mathematical career, for outstanding research in the field of probability theory. The awardee will be invited to submit to the journal Probability Theory and Related Fields a paper for publication as the Wolfgang Doeblin Prize Article, and will also be invited to present the Doeblin Prize Lecture at a Conference on Stochastic Processes and their Applications.

More information about the Wolfgang Doeblin prize and past awardees can be found at http://www.bernoulli-society.org/index.php/prizes/.

Each nomination should offer a brief but adequate case of support and should be sent by December 30, 2021, to the chair of the prize committee, Christina Goldschmidt, at the following e-mail address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with subject heading: Doeblin Prize 2022.



Call for 2022 COPSS awards nominations

Each year, the statistical profession recognizes outstanding members at the Joint Statistical Meetings in an awards ceremony organized by the Committee of Presidents of Statistical Societies (COPSS). The nominations are being sought for The Presidents’ Award, The Distinguished Achievement Award and Lectureship, The Elizabeth L. Scott Award and Lectureship, The COPSS Leadership Academy Award. The deadline for nominations is December 15, 2021. More information about these awards can be found at https://community.amstat.org/copss/awards/nominations.



Highlighted Events


The 1st Sino-German Workshop on Reliability of Complex Systems

November 5-6, 2021
(Virtual) Xi’an, China

The workshop "The 1st Sino-German Workshop on Reliability of Complex Systems" (SGWRCS), organized in virtual form, will have the focus on Reliability Engineering, Risk Management, and Resilience of complex engineering systems appeared in key infrastructures and advanced manufacturing, but also covers related topics such as uncertainty quantification, sensitivity analysis, model updating, model verification and validation, design under uncertainties, etc., across different disciplinaries.



Other Events sponsored and co-sponsored by Bernoulli Society


The seventh One World webinar

November 17, 2021

The seventh One World webinar, organized by YoungStatS, will be dedicated to Novel Algebraic Approaches to Maximum Likelihood Estimation. Selected young researchers active in the area of algebraic statistics will present their recent contributions on this topic.

Frontier Probability Days (FPD’20)

December 3-5, 2021
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

The Frontier Probability Days is a regional workshop, now postponed to 2021 at the University of Nevada. Its purpose is to bring together mathematicians, both regionally and globally, who have an interest in probability and its applications. FPD aims to complement other regional conferences in Probability that are held annually elsewhere in the United States.


6th IMS Asia Pacific Rim Meeting

(to be announced) 2023
Melbourne, Australia

The Institute of Mathematical Statistics APRM will provide an excellent forum for scientific communications and collaborations for the researchers in Asia and the Pacific Rim, and promote communications and collaborations between the researchers in this area and those from other parts of the world. The program covers a wide range of topics in statistics and probability, presenting recent developments and the state of the art in a variety of modern research topics and in applications Invited session proposals are now being considered.


Rényi 100 Conference

June 20 - 23, 2022
Budapest, Hungary

Alfréd Rényi was born on the 20th of March 1921. To celebrate this occasion, the Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences are organizing a high-profile conference, representing modern probability, graph theory and networks, information theory, dynamical systems, number theory and other fields in Rényi's spirit. That is: not respecting strictly the borders between these and possibly other areas of pure and applied mathematics.


International Symposium on Nonparametric Statistics (ISNPS2022)

June 20 – 24, 2022
Paphos, Cyprus

The conference has been postponed to 2022 and it will bring forth recent advances and trends in several areas of nonparametric statistics, in order to facilitate the exchange of research ideas, promote collaboration among researchers from all over the world, and contribute to the further development of the field. The program will include plenary talks, special invited talks, invited talks, contributed talks and posters on all areas of nonparametric statistics.


42nd Conference on Stochastic Processes and their Applications (SPA)

June 27 - July 1, 2022
Wuhan, China

Previously scheduled for July 2021, the conference will take place in 2022. SPA Conferences are organized under the patronage of the Bernoulli Society and can justifiably be regarded as the most important international scientific meeting on the theory and applications of stochastic processes. They are held annually except for the years when the World Congress in Probability and Statistics takes place. This iteration will be hosted by Wuhan University.


33rd European Meeting of Statisticians (EMS 2022)

July 18 - 22, 2022
Moscow, Russia

The European Meeting of Statisticians (EMS), sponsored by the European Regional Committee of the Bernoulli Society, is the main statistics conference in Europe. Statisticians of all ages and from all regions will meet to exchange ideas and discuss the latest developments in the broad field of statistics and probability theory. The meeting is typically held every other year.


40th Finnish summer school in Probability and Statistics

May 23-27, 2022
Lammi, Finland

The mission of the summer school is to provide one-week intensive courses on active research topics in probability and statistics, lectured by leading scholars in the field. The school is targeted primarily for doctoral students in probability, statistics, and related areas. The school is organized by the Finnish Doctoral Education Network in Stochastics and Statistics (FDNSS). It is sponsored by the Bernoulli Society and financially supported by the Magnus Ehrnrooth foundation and by the Doctoral Programme in Mathematics and Statistics of the University of Helsinki DOMAST.



São Paulo Advanced Science on Singular Stochastic Partial Differential Equations and their Applications

August 2-13, 2022
Campinas, Brazil

This school, organized by Instituto de Matemática, Estatística e Computação Científica – IMECC/UNICAMP, is divided into two parts. In the first week there will be two introductory mini courses that lay the foundations for the courses of the second week. In the latter ones, newly developed theories and their latest developments will be taught. To round up the program there will be further invited talks, poster sessions and a visit to the LNLS laboratories, the synchrotron light laboratories at Campinas. The school is financially supported by FAPESP.



Job Offers


Tenure Track Assistant Professor or a Tenured Associate Professor at EPFL

The School of Basic Sciences and the School of Engineering at EPFL seek to appoint a Tenure Track Assistant Professor or a Tenured Associate Professor jointly between the Institute of Mathematics and the Institute of Materials. Ideal candidates would have a strong interdisciplinary breadth rather than focus on specific subfields. Indicative fields of interest include, but are not restricted to, multi-scale modelling, topological properties of materials, soft matter, efficient and accurate electronic-structure algorithms, statistical mechanics of emergent phenomena, numerical methods for very high dimensional problems, theory of data-driven algorithms applied to materials discovery. Priority will be given to the overall originality and promise of the candidate’s work over any particular specialization area, and to the demonstrated attitude of the candidate to straddle the divide between rigorous mathematics and impactful applications to material modeling and theory. Candidates should hold a PhD and have an excellent record of scientific accomplishments, commensurate to the level of experience. In addition, commitment to excellence in teaching at the undergraduate, master and doctoral levels is expected. Proficiency in French teaching is not required, but willingness to learn the language is expected.

Applications including a cover letter, a curriculum vitae with a list of publications, a statement of research (max. 3 pages) and teaching interests (max. 1 page), as well as the contact informationof at least three (for the rank of Assistant Professor) or five (for the rank of Associate Professor) references who are ready to supply a letter upon request, should be submitted in PDF format via https://facultyrecruiting.epfl.ch/position/34865152 by November 15 2021. Enquiries may be addressed to Co-Chairs of the Search Committee: Prof. Harm-Anton Klok, Director of the Institute of Materials (IMX), and Prof. Victor Panaretos Director of the Institute of Mathematics (MATH), (e-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).



Two Bernoulli Instructorships in Analysis and in Statistics at EPFL

The Institute of Mathematics at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) invites applications for two full-time Bernoulli Instructorships in 1) Analysis (including related areas in Stochastics) and 2) Statistics. Bernoulli Instructors are expected to teach courses in their broader domain at all levels (in French or English). The initial teaching load is light, corresponding to half the teaching load of regular faculty, and gradually progresses to the latter. Bernoulli Instructors are expected to develop and sustain an excellent independent research program. They are welcome to collaborate and encouraged to interact with members of the Institute, but they maintain full research independence. They are offered travel support. The EPFL actively aims to increase the presence of women amongst its employees, and female candidates are strongly encouraged to apply.

Applications including a cover letter, curriculum vitae, publication list, research plan, teaching record, and the names and addresses of at least three references, should be submitted in PDF format via https://recruiting.epfl.ch/Vacancies/2057/Application/New/2 by December 15, 2021. Further information can be obtained at https://www.epfl.ch/schools/sb/research/math/bernoulli-instructors/


Tenure-Track Position in Statistics at CIMAT, Guanajuato, Mexico

The Centro de Investigación en Matemáticas (CIMAT-CONACYT: http://www.cimat.mx/ ) in Guanajuato, GTO, Mexico, seeks applications from ambitious, highly motivated and talented individuals with a PhD, earned in the last fifteen years, in the area of Statistics or closely related disciplines for a tenure-track research position, to start any time between May and August 2022. Applicants are expected to be working on modern research fields in statistics, namely one or the intersection of, complex data and/or massive data analyses, complex models, computer intensive methodologies, considering both theory and applications. Additionally to the latter, applicants working in the interface with Probability Theory are specially sought. Applicants must meet the following requirements to be considered for the position: 1) An academic career with scientific achievements in accordance with the length of time passed after the doctorate. Mexican residents must be members of the Sistema Nacional de Investigadores (SNI) or have the appropriate academic achievements to successfully participate in the next SNI call; 2) Teaching experience in Statistics is desirable, in order to train students at undergraduate, master and doctoral levels. Knowledge of the Spanish language is not required for the first years.

Applications including a cover letter, curriculum vitae, a brief description of current research interests, a research statement describing applicant’s research goals for a period of two years, electronic copies of the most relevant applicant's research papers, at least two letters of recommendation (sent directly to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), and tentative date to join CIMAT, should be sent to Prof. Juan Carlos Pardo, Chair of the Probability and Statistics Group, CIMAT, vie e-mail (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) in PDF format. More information can be found at https://www.cimat.mx/en/calls-research-position.



Recent Issues of Official and Sponsored Publications


Official publications of the Bernoulli Society

Bernoulli https://projecteuclid.org/journals/bernoulli

Stochastic Processes and their Applications https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/stochastic-processes-and-their-applications

SpringerBriefs in Probability and Mathematical Statistics https://www.springer.com/series/14353

Co-sponsored publications

Have a look at http://www.bernoulli-society.org/index.php/publications for the latest articles in Electronic Communications in Probability, Electronic Journal of Probability, Electronic Journal of Statistics, Probability Surveys, Statistics Surveys, and ALEA.

Bernoulli News

Latest issue at http://www.bernoulli-society.org/index.php/publications/bernoulli-news




Bernoulli Society Bulletin e-Briefs Issue 39 
February 2020




For information to be considered in the next issue, please contact Carlos Améndola This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by March 30th.


General News


***Call for nominations of President-Elect and Council Members

At the General Assembly of the Bernoulli Society, held during the 62nd ISI World Statistics Congress in Kuala Lumpur, a Nominating Committee was established. It consists of Claudia Klüpperbeg (President of the BS), Adam Jakubowski (President-Elect, Chair), Juan Carlos Abril, Michael Beer, Herod Dehling, Zenghu Li, Marloes Maathuis, Aihua Xia and Song Xi Chen (Scientific Secretary). The task of the committee is to make nominations for the office of President-Elect (2021-2023) and for ordinary Council members for the term 2021-2025. All members of the Bernoulli Society are invited to submit names of possible candidates (with basic information and the web address) to Adam Jakubowski (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) by March 31st, 2020.


***Friends of COPSS

The Bernoulli Society has become a Friend of the Committee of Presidents of Statistical Societies: https://community.amstat.org/copss/friends . The Friends of COPSS are affiliated professional societies that also promote discovery and practice of statistical science, but do not hold member status in COPSS. This designation provides an organizational structure to encourage communication and partnerships among statistical societies with an international perspective and broad range of interests.


***New Bernoulli Society Treasurer 

Geoffrey Grimmett (Cambridge, UK) has become our new Treasurer, succeeding Lynne Billard. Many thanks to Lynne for her hard work over the last years!


***New Chair of CCSP

Christina Goldschmidt (Oxford University) has been elected as the new Chair of the Committee for Conferences on Stochastic Processes (CCSP) for a two-year term 2020-2021. We thank the previous chair Zhen-Qing Chen for his service!


***Bernoulli Journal Lecture at 63rd ISI World Congress

Johannes Schmid-Hieber (University of Twente) was chosen to give the Bernoulli Journal Lecture at the World Statistics Congress (ISI-WSC 2021) in The Hague. Details on Johannes’ research can be found at https://wwwhome.ewi.utwente.nl/~schmidtaj/.


***Bernoulli Prize for an Outstanding Survey Article

The 3rd Bernoulli Prize for an Outstanding Survey Article was awarded to Alexei Borodin and Leonid Petrov for the article Integrable probability: From representation theory to Macdonald processes. Probability Surveys, v.11:1-58, 2014. Congratulations! More information on the prize at http://www.bernoulli-society.org/index.php/prizes?id=156 .


***SLAPEM announces winners of 2019 Aranda-Ordaz Prize

The winners were announced during the XV CLAPEM in Mérida, México. For Statistics, they were Leonardo Fabián Moreno Romero (Uruguay) and María Antonella Gieco (Argentina). In the field of Probability, the winner was Avelio Sepúlveda (Switzerland) and there was an honorable mention for Érika B. Roldán Roa (México). Congratulations to all!


***Bernoulli Society New Researcher Award 2021

The BS welcomes applications for the award. Each awardee shall deliver a talk at a special invited session during the ISI-WSC 2021, and will receive a funding up to 1000€ to offset travel and other expenses. Bernoulli News will publish their pictures and a paragraph about their work. Eligible candidates are active researchers in Mathematical Statistics who obtained the PhD degree on or after March 1st, 2015, and who are regular members of the Bernoulli Society. Female candidates get 1 extra year for each child born since receiving the PhD.

Candidates should apply through the web form https://forms.gle/6GPPnU6FP59vJ9ev6 and send required documents to the e-mail address indicated there. Deadline is March 1st, 2020.


***Site visit to Bochum

On January 28, 2020, Claudia Klüppelberg, President of the Bernoulli Society, and Adam Jakubowski, President-Elect, visited Ruhr-Universität Bochum, the site of the 11th Bernoulli-IMS World Congress in Probability and Statistics to be held in 2024. The inspection of the infrastructure as well as the meeting with members of the Local Organizing Committee confirmed that the preparations to the World Congress 2024 are on the right track.


Events sponsored and co-sponsored by Bernoulli Society


***Bernoulli-IMS 10th World Congress in Probability and Statistics (BS-IMS-WC)
[Annual BS Meeting]

August 17 - 21, 2020

Seoul, South Korea


The congress is the latest in a series organized jointly by the Bernoulli Society and the Institute of Mathematical Statistics. Held every four years, the Congress is a worldwide event covering all branches of statistics and probability. This includes theoretical, methodological, applied and computational statistics and probability, as well as stochastic processes. The latest scientific developments in all of these fields are showcased. It will be held at the Seoul National University. Registration is already open and the deadline for abstract submission isMarch 31st, 2020.


***23rd Conference of the Romanian Society of Probability and Statistics

April 24 - 25, 2020

Timisoara, Romania

Since 1991, the annual conference of the Romanian Society of Probability and Statistics brings together academics and students from Romania and abroad to discuss recent developments in research in probability theory and mathematical statistics. This year, the conference will be held at UPT (Politehnica University of Timisoara).


***Frontier Probability Days (FPD’20)

May 8 - 10, 2020

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA


The Frontier Probability Days is a regional workshop, taking place in 2020 at the University of Nevada. Its purpose is to bring together mathematicians, both regionally and globally, who have an interest in probability and its applications. FPD aims to complement other regional conferences in Probability that are held annually elsewhere in the United States.


***International Symposium on Nonparametric Statistics (ISNPS2020)

June 15 - 19, 2020

Paphos, Cyprus


The conference will bring forth recent advances and trends in several areas of nonparametric statistics, in order to facilitate the exchange of research ideas, promote collaboration among researchers from all over the world, and contribute to the further development of the field. The program will include plenary talks, special invited talks, invited talks, contributed talks and posters on all areas of nonparametric statistics. 


***6th IMS Asia Pacific Rim Meeting

January 5 - 8, 2021

Melbourne, Australia

The Institute of Mathematical Statistics APRM will provide an excellent forum for scientific communications and collaborations for the researchers in Asia and the Pacific Rim, and promote communications and collaborations between the researchers in this area and those from other parts of the world. The program covers a wide range of topics in statistics and probability, presenting recent developments and the state of the art in a variety of modern research topics and in applications Invited session proposals are now being considered.


***Rényi 100 Conference

June 28 - July 1, 2021

Budapest, Hungary

Alfréd Rényi was born on the 20th of March 1921. To celebrate this occasion, the Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences are organizing a high-profile conference, representing modern probability, graph theory and networks, information theory, dynamical systems, number theory and other fields in Rényi's spirit. That is: not respecting strictly the borders between these and possibly other areas of pure and applied mathematics.


***63rd ISI World Statistics Congress 2021 (ISI-WSC)

July 11 - July 15, 2021

Hague, Netherlands

The congress series is organized by the International Statistical Institute (ISI) and the Bernoulli Society is participating in the series as an association of ISI. It brings together statisticians and data scientists from academia, health sector and business, junior and senior professionals, in an inviting environment.


***42nd Conference on Stochastic Processes and their Applications (SPA 2021)

July 12 - 16, 2021

Wuhan, China

SPA Conferences are organized under patronage of the Bernoulli Society and can justifiably be regarded as the most important international scientific meeting on the theory and applications of stochastic processes. They are held annually except for the years when the World Congress in Probability and Statistics takes place. The next iteration will be hosted by Wuhan University.


Job Offers


Assistant Professor at Universidade de São Paulo. The Statistics department at Universidade de São Paulo invites applications for two assistant professor full-time positions in Probability and Statistics. Applications are welcome in any research areas in Probability and Statistics that complement and strengthen the current research of members of the Statistics department at USP. The position-holders will develop, lead and sustain research of international standard in Probability and/or Statistics, contribute to teaching and project supervision at undergraduate and graduate levels. Deadline is March 24, 2020. Applications only at: https://uspdigital.usp.br/gr/admissao


Professorship in Stochastics at Ulm University. The Faculty of Mathematics and Economics, Institute of Stochastics, is seeking to fill the position, starting 1 October 2020, of Professor (W3) of Stochastics (m/f/d). Candidates should have an internationally outstanding research and teaching record in Stochastics (Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics). The research focus should be in the area of Stochastics. Research with references to applications in the natural or life sciences or in engineering as well as experience in the acquistion of third party funding are desirable. Full details can be found at: https://stellenangebote.uni-ulm.de/jobposting/7b759fc376141bdb746c0b8009e7435c663aa49b



Recent Issues of Official and Sponsored Publications


* Recent issues of official publications of the Bernoulli Society

Bernoulli http://goo.gl/yJywLg,

Stochastic Processes and their Applications http://goo.gl/JCahtH


* Co-sponsored publications

Have a look at http://goo.gl/7EP2cZ for the latest articles in Electronic Communications in Probability, Electronic Journal of Probability, Electronic Journal of Statistics, Probability Surveys, Statistics Surveys, and ALEA.


* Bernoulli News

Latest issue at http://goo.gl/nRDPYo


Bernoulli Society Bulletin e-Briefs Issue 43 November 2020




For information to be considered in the next issue, please contact Carlos Améndola This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by January 30.


General News

***Call for Nominations of SLAPEM committee members

Any group of at least three members of the Sociedad Latinoamericana de Probabilidad y Estadística Matemática (SLAPEM) is invited to submit names of possible candidates for its committee. This committee acts as the Latin American Regional Committee of the Bernoulli Society. Nominations (with basic information and web address) can be sent to Florencia Leonardi This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by November 30, 2020.

***Nominations open for the David G. Kendall Award

The Bernoulli Society and the Royal Statistical Society have joined forces to launch a new award named in honor of David Kendall, inaugural president of the Bernoulli Society and the 1981 recipient of the RSS Guy Medal in Gold. Nominations should be communicated to the award committee at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The deadline is January 31, 2021. For more information, visit http://www.bernoulli-society.org/news/37-general-announcement/309-bernoulli-society-royal-statistical-society-david-g-kendall-award-for-young-researchers.

***Bernoulli Society New Researcher Award 2021 Session at virtual ISI-WSC

The three awardees of the Bernoulli Society New Researcher Award 2021 will speak at an Invited Paper Session during the ISI World Statistics Congress. The award is given to outstanding young researchers working primarily in Mathematical Statistics. Register at https://www.isi2021.org/registration.html. More information about the award at http://www.bernoulli-society.org/prizes/267-bernoulli-society-new-researcher-award

***Call for proposals for invited sessions at Virtual ISI-WSC

The 63rd ISI WSC 2021 will host talks and presentations on a wide variety of topics, with the overall goal of presenting a balanced program that provides a sense of the current state and future direction of statistics, data science and their applications. The Chair of the Scientific Programme Committee (SPC), Nalini Ravishanker, invites the statistical community to submit proposals for Invited Paper Sessions (IPS). More information at https://isi2021.org/invited-sessions.html. Deadline is November 30.


Events sponsored and co-sponsored by Bernoulli Society

***Bernoulli-IMS 10th World Congress in Probability and Statistics (BS-IMS-WC)

July 19 - 23, 2021

Seoul, South Korea


The congress is the latest in a series organized jointly by the Bernoulli Society and the Institute of Mathematical Statistics. Held every four years, the Congress is a worldwide event covering all branches of statistics and probability. This includes theoretical, methodological, applied and computational statistics and probability, as well as stochastic processes. The latest scientific developments in all of these fields are showcased. It will be held at the Seoul National University.

***Frontier Probability Days (FPD’20)

May 16-18, 2021

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA


The Frontier Probability Days is a regional workshop, now postponed to 2021 at the University of Nevada. Its purpose is to bring together mathematicians, both regionally and globally, who have an interest in probability and its applications. FPD aims to complement other regional conferences in Probability that are held annually elsewhere in the United States.

***International Symposium on Nonparametric Statistics (ISNPS2020)

June 14 – 18, 2021

Paphos, Cyprus


The conference has been postponed to 2021 and it will bring forth recent advances and trends in several areas of nonparametric statistics, in order to facilitate the exchange of research ideas, promote collaboration among researchers from all over the world, and contribute to the further development of the field. The program will include plenary talks, special invited talks, invited talks, contributed talks and posters on all areas of nonparametric statistics.

***Rényi 100 Conference

June 28 - July 1, 2021

Budapest, Hungary

Alfréd Rényi was born on the 20th of March 1921. To celebrate this occasion, the Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences are organizing a high-profile conference, representing modern probability, graph theory and networks, information theory, dynamical systems, number theory and other fields in Rényi's spirit. That is: not respecting strictly the borders between these and possibly other areas of pure and applied mathematics.

***International Conference on Robust Statistics (ICORS)

June 28 – July 2, 2021

Vienna, Austria


The conference has been an annual international conference since 2001. The aim of the conferences is to bring together researchers and practitioners interested in robust statistics, data analysis and related areas. This includes theoretical and applied statisticians as well as data analysts from other fields, and leading experts as well as junior researchers and graduate students.

***Extreme Value Analysis (EVA 2021)

June 28 – July 2, 2021

Edinburgh, UK

The conference brings together researchers in Extreme Value Theory, Methods and its Applications. The conference will take place at the University of Edinburgh. Short courses will be held on 26-27 June 2021. 

***63rd ISI World Statistics Congress 2021 (ISI-WSC)

July 11 - 15, 2021

The Hague, Netherlands

The scientific programme will introduce the latest developments in statistical research and practice through presentations, discussions and a series of short courses; the virtual exhibition will showcase the work and products of those who support our profession. Everyone working in the field of Statistics is welcome to join us virtually for the 63rd WSC.

***São Paulo School of advanced science on singular SPDEs and their applications

July 20 - 31, 2021

Campinas, Brazil

For many years the stochastics community has built powerful tools to deal with various kinds of SPDEs. However, since long it has been a challenge to deal with SPDEs with a rough input noise that are not classically well posed. Some years ago with works of Hairer, and Imkeller, Gubinelli and Perkowski it sudently became feasible to analyze singular SPDEs. In the first week there will be two introductory mini courses that lay the foundations for the courses of the second week, where newly developed theories and their latest developments will be taught. To round up the program there will be further invited talks, poster sessions and a visit to the LNLS laboratories, the synchroton light laboratories at Campinas.

***6th IMS Asia Pacific Rim Meeting (POSTPONED)

January 2022

Melbourne, Australia

The Institute of Mathematical Statistics APRM will provide an excellent forum for scientific communications and collaborations for the researchers in Asia and the Pacific Rim, and promote communications and collaborations between the researchers in this area and those from other parts of the world. The program covers a wide range of topics in statistics and probability, presenting recent developments and the state of the art in a variety of modern research topics and in applications Invited session proposals are now being considered.

***42nd Conference on Stochastic Processes and their Applications (SPA)

June 27 - July 1, 2022

Wuhan, China

Previously scheduled for July 2021, the conference will take place in 2022. SPA Conferences are organized under patronage of the Bernoulli Society and can justifiably be regarded as the most important international scientific meeting on the theory and applications of stochastic processes. They are held annually except for the years when the World Congress in Probability and Statistics takes place. This iteration will be hosted by Wuhan University. 

***33rd European Meeting of Statisticians (EMS 2022)

July 18 - 22, 2022

Moscow, Russia


The European Meeting of Statisticians (EMS), sponsored by the European Regional Committee of the Bernoulli Society, is the main statistics conference in Europe. Statisticians of all ages and from all regions will meet to exchange ideas and discuss the latest developments in the broad field of statistics and probability theory. The meeting is typically held every other year.


Job Offers

Research Associate in Probability at University of Cambridge. This post is associated with Dr Roland Bauerschmidt's ERC grant `Renormalisation, dynamics, and hyperbolic symmetry' and priority will be given to applicants with expertise in probability, mathematical physics, and other related fields. The successful candidate will have completed (or be about to complete) a PhD in Probability, Mathematical Physics, or a closely related area and will have demonstrated a capacity to produce world-class research. Deadline is December 6, 2020. Apply and view further information at http://www.jobs.cam.ac.uk/job/26627

* Assistant Professor in Statistics at London School of Economics.The Department of Statistics is looking to fill two roles at Assistant Professor level. Applications for these new posts are invited from outstanding candidates in the field of statistics and probability. Successful candidates will join an established and successful department and contribute to its research and teaching in probability, finance and insurance. Deadline is January 3rd, 2021. Any queries should be emailed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Recent Issues of Official and Sponsored Publications

* Recent issues of official publications of the Bernoulli Society

Bernoulli http://goo.gl/yJywLg,

Stochastic Processes and their Applications http://goo.gl/JCahtH

SpringerBriefs in Probability and Mathematical Statistics https://www.springer.com/series/14353

* Co-sponsored publications

Have a look at http://goo.gl/7EP2cZ for the latest articles in Electronic Communications in Probability, Electronic Journal of Probability, Electronic Journal of Statistics, Probability Surveys, Statistics Surveys, and ALEA.

* Bernoulli News

Latest issue at http://goo.gl/nRDPYo

Bernoulli Society Bulletin e-Briefs Issue 36 
June 2019




For information to be considered in the next issue, please contact Carlos Améndola This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by August 30th.

General News



***Bernoulli Lectures at the 2019 World Statistics Congress (ISI-WSC)

The Bernoulli President Lecture will be given by Michael A. Newton (University of Wisconsin at Madison, USA) on "On beneficial ways to combine clustering and hypothesis testing", while the Bernoulli Journal Special Invited Lecture will be held by Jonathan Taylor (Stanford University, USA) on "A selective survey of selective inference".


***Bernoulli Society New Researcher Award 2019 Session at ISI-WSC

The three awardees of the Bernoulli Society New Researcher Award 2019, Po-Ling Loh, Gongjun Xu, and Lingzhou Xue will speak at an Invited Paper Session on Wednesday, August 21, 2019 at 10:30-12:30 during the ISI World Statistics Congress. The award was for new researchers working primarily in Mathematical Statistics. 


***Bernoulli Society New Researcher Award 2020

We are happy to announce the awardees of the Bernoulli Society New Researcher Award 2020: Li-Cheng Tsai (Columbia University), Nina Holden (ETH Zürich) and Xin Sun (Columbia University). These new researches working primarily in Probability will participate in an invited session at the BS-IMS-WC in 2020. Along with three awards, honorable mentions were given to Anirban Basak (International Centre for Theoretical Sciences), Ellen Powell (Durham University), Nicholas A. Cook (Stanford University) and Sarah Penington (University of Bath). 


***Bernoulli Prize for an Outstanding Survey Article in Statistics 2022

Nominations for the prize are open now. The prize will be presented at the 2023 ISI World Statistics Congress. Nominations should include full name and email address of both the nominee(s) and nominator, as well as a pdf file of the published survey article in statistics. The nomination material should be emailed to Professor Qiwei Yao at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The nomination deadline is February 28th, 2021.  


***Call for Interest in Hosting the Bernoulli-IMS 11th World Congress in 2024

There is a call for proposals to host the 2024 Bernoulli-IMS World Congress in Probability and Statistics. Preliminary bids / expressions of interest should be emailed to the IMS and Bernoulli society presidents (Xiao-Li Meng This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and Susan Murphy This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) and cc'ed to the BS president-elect ( Claudia Klüppelberg, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ).  The due date for bids is June 29, 2019. 


***Klaus Krickeberg's "Friend of Vietnam" Medal

On the July 16, 2018 the President of Vietnam awarded Klaus Krickeberg, former president of the Bernoulli Society, the medal «Friend of Vietnam» for «positive essential contributions to the development of the Vietnamese health sector". The Vietnamese Minister of Health presented him with the medal on February 25, 2019 in a ceremony in her Ministry. Krickeberg had already lectured in 1974 on Stochastic Point Processes to young research mathematicians in Hanoi; they published these lectures in book form. Later on he guided one of them to a Thesis on the “Knox Test”. He then switched gradually to Public Health, which is a very “stochastic” field. For instance, stochastic modeling is an indispensable tool for studying the evolution of infectious diseases in populations, which in turn is the main tool for designing immunization campaigns.  By contrast, the main issue in dealing with non-infectious diseases is the study of risk factors, which rests on models in mathematical statistics. 


***Bernoulli Society Membership Renewal and Poster

We would like to remind all our members to renew their annual Bernoulli Society membership at www.bernoulli-society.org/index.php/membership. We would also like to encourage you to diffuse information about special offers and fee reductions available to prospective new members. One way is by printing the Bernoulli membership poster and post it in your department's corridor. You can download it from http://www.bernoulli-society.org/files/BernoulliPoster2019.pdf. Thank you! 


***Bernoulli Society on Twitter

We invite all BS members to follow the Bernoulli Society on Twitter, @BernoulliSoc



Events sponsored and co-sponsored by Bernoulli Society


***Statistics Conference for Aad Van der Vaart’s 60th Birthday

June 17 - 21, 2019

Leiden, Netherlands


The conference is in honor of Aad van der Vaart's 60th birthday. It will bring together collaborators and leading researchers in theoretical and applied statistics. Topics include nonparametric Bayes, high-dimensional/nonparametric statistics and applications of statistics in the life sciences.


***11th International Conference on Extreme Value Analysis (EVA)

July 01 - 05, 2019

Zagreb, Croatia


This workshop covers all probabilistic and statistical aspects of extreme value analysis and its applications in climate and atmospheric science, industrial risks, geoscience, hydrology, finance, economics and insurance, biosciences, physics, telecommunications and stochastic networks. 


***41st Conference on Stochastic Processes and their Applications (SPA)

July 08 - 12, 2019

Chicago, USA


SPA Conferences are organized under patronage of the Bernoulli Society and can justifiably be regarded as the most important international scientific meeting on the theory and applications of stochastic processes. They are held annually except for the years when the World Congress in Probability and Statistics takes place. 


***32nd European Meeting of Statisticians (EMS) 2019

July 22 - 26, 2019

Palermo, Italy


The European Meeting of Statisticians (EMS), sponsored by the European Regional Committee of the Bernoulli Society, is the main conference in statistics and probability in Europe. EMS is a conference where statisticians of all ages and from all regions meet to exchange ideas and talk about the newest developments on the broad field of statistics and probability theory. The conference is organized every other year. 


***23rd Brazilian School of Probability (EBP)

July 22 - 27, 2019

São Carlos, Brazil


The XXIII Escola Brasileira de Probabilidade will be held at the São Carlos campus of the University of São Paulo. EBP is a traditional international event which has been running since 1997 by initiative of the Brazilian probability community. It represents a good opportunity for researchers and students from Brazil and abroad to interact in a very high scientific level and including the participation of some of the best world leaderships. The School aims at emphasizing and diffusing the new and more promising research lines in Probability and Stochastic Processes, as well as promoting new collaborations between the participants and opening new horizons to the young researchers.


***21st European Young Statisticians Meeting

July 29 - August 02, 2019

Belgrade, Serbia


The European Young Statisticians Meetings are held every two years under the auspices of the European Regional Committee of the Bernoulli Society. The idea of the meeting is to provide young researchers (less than thirty years of age or two to eight years of research experience) an introduction to the international scene within the broad subject area - from pure probability theory to applied statistics. 


***62nd ISI World Statistics Congress 2019 (ISI-WSC) 

August 18 - 23, 2019

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


The congress series is organized by the International Statistical Institute (ISI) and the Bernoulli Society is participating in the series as an association of ISI. During the congress, a Bernoulli General Assembly and a New Researchers’ reception will take place, where all members of BS are invited. We hope many BS members participate in the events.  


***XV Latin American Congress of Probability and Mathematical Statistics (CLAPEM 2019) 

December 2 - 6, 2019

Hotel Castellano, Merida-Yucatán, México


The Congreso Latinoamericano de Probabilidad y Estadística Matemática (CLAPEM) is the official meeting of the Sociedad Latino Americana de Probabilidad y Estadística Matemática (SLAPEM), the Latin American Chapter of the Bernoulli Society. It is the major event in Probability and Statistics in the region and it gathers an important number of researchers and students, predominantly from Latin America. 


***10th Bernoulli-IMS World Congress in Probability and Statistics (BS-IMS-WC)

August 17 - 21, 2020

Seoul, South Korea


The congress is the latest in a series organized jointly by the Bernoulli Society and the Institute of Mathematical Statistics. Held every four years, the Congress is a worldwide event covering all branches of statistics and probability. This includes theoretical, methodological, applied and computational statistics and probability, as well as stochastic processes. The latest scientific developments in all of these fields are showcased. It will be held at the Seoul National University.


Other Events



***29th European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL)

September 22 - 26, 2019

Hannover, Germany


The Committee on Probability and Statistics in the Physical Sciences (CPSPS) of the Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability is supporting the 29th European Safety and Reliability Conference as a collaborative partner. ESREL is organized by the Institute for Risk and Reliability, Leibniz Universität Hannover under the auspices of the European Safety and Reliability Association (ESRA). The objective of ESREL 2019 is to provide an all-round inspiring environment and a multi-disciplinary forum for the exchange of knowledge and expertise on theories and methods in the field of risk, safety and reliability, and on their application to a wide range of industrial, civil and social sectors and problem areas. Papers presented will be published in open access conference proceedings by Research Publishing Services, Singapore.


Job Offers



* Assistant Professorship in Statistics at EPFL. Outstanding candidates with research interests in the development and application of novel statistical methodology, including candidates focusing on a substantive application area are sought. Indicative methodological interests include large scale and causal inference, computationally intensive inference, and nonparametric inference. Indicative areas of application include, but are not limited to, biomedical science, genetics/genomics, environmental and earth science, physics and astronomy. The evaluation process will start on October 1st, 2019

See https://professeurs.epfl.ch/fr/professorship-in-statistics-2/.  


Recent Issues of Official and Sponsored Publications


* Recent issues of official publications of the Bernoulli Society

Stochastic Processes and their Applications http://goo.gl/JCahtH, Bernoulli http://goo.gl/yJywLg


* Co-sponsored publications

Have a look at http://goo.gl/7EP2cZ for the latest articles in Electronic Communications in Probability, Electronic Journal of Probability, Electronic Journal of Statistics, Probability Surveys, Statistics Surveys, and ALEA.


* Bernoulli News

Latest issue at http://goo.gl/nRDPYo


© Bernoulli Society