The EMS-BS Lecture is a biennial event held at the European Meeting of Statisticians (EMS) as part of a reciprocal agreement between the European Mathematical Society (EMS) and the Bernoulli Society (BS).

  • In even years, the European Mathematical Society (EMS) selects the event and covers the travel costs of the invited speaker.
  • In odd years, the Bernoulli Society (BS) is responsible for organizing and funding the lecturer’s travel.
  • A dedicated working group/committee manages the selection process.
  • The lecture alternates its focus:
    • In one cycle, a statistics expert presents to a mathematics audience at an EMS event.
    • In the next, a mathematics expert delivers a talk to statisticians at the European Meeting of Statisticians.

The Bernoulli Lecturer position was established in 2013.

List of Speakers:

  • 201329th European Meeting of Statisticians, Budapest, July 20-25 – Emmanuel Candès
  • 2015European Meeting of Statisticians, Amsterdam, July 6-10 – Gunnar Carlsson
  • 2016EMS: Nordic Mathematical Congress, Stockholm, March 16-20 – Sara van de Geer
  • 201731st European Meeting of Statisticians, Helsinki, July 24-28 – Alexander Holevo
  • 2018ECTMB, Lisbon, July 23-27 – Samuel Kou
  • 2019European Meeting of Statisticians, Palermo, July 22-26 – Aad van der Vaart


© Bernoulli Society