Membership Information - Benefits, Forms, Fees and Contact

- Benefits of Joining the Bernoulli Society
- Special subscription rates for Bernoulli members
- Register to Become a Member
- Membership Officer


As an opportunity to become a member, the Bernoulli Society offers:

  • 50% fee reduction for the first year of membership of new members from high income economies.
  • PhD students
    • high income economies – EUR 30
    • low and middle income countries and regions – EUR 12
  • 50% fee reduction for the first two years of postdocs from high income economies.
  • 60% fee reduction for regular members from low and middle income countries and regions.

The Bernoulli Society membership structure changed in 2016.

The current membership categories are
1. Regular member (84 Euro): Members from high income economies.
2. Reduced rate member (34 Euro): Members from low and middle income countries and regions, retired members, couple members.
3. First year member (42 Euro): First year membership for regular members and first two years of postdoc from high income economies.
4. Joint member: BS-IMS (154 Dollar) and BS-IMS-ISI (195 Euro) members
5. Student member: Starting for 2021, PhD students have to pay a membership fee:
High income economies – 30 Euro, Low and middle income countries and regions – 12 Euro
6. Life member: Fees according to the following scheme
Less than 45 years: 20 x annual dues
45 - 49 years:   18 x annual dues
50 - 54 years:   16 x annual dues
55 - 59 years:   14 x annual dues
60 - 64 years:   12 x annual dues
65 - 69 years:   10 x annual dues
70 - 74 years:   8 x annual dues
75 - 79 years:   6 x annual dues
80 years and over: 4 x annual dues

Benefits of Joining the Bernoulli Society

Bernoulli Society members profit from the following benefits:

        • Reduced registration fees for meetings/conferences organized or sponsored by the Bernoulli Society and the International Statistical Institute (ISI).
        • Free of charge access to the online versions to the Official Publications of the Society:
        • Members receive the electronic version of  Bernoulli News (or in print on request), the electronic bulletins Bernoulli e-Briefs and ISI News.
        • Reduced rates are available for print copies of Bernoulli Journal and to online and print versions of the ISI International Statistical Review.
        • Members get a 10% discount on SpringerBriefs; please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for further details.
        • Members with a BS-IMS or BS-IMS-ISI joint membership receive the IMS Bulletin and have free electronic access to the IMS journals: Annals of Statistics, Annals of Probability, Annals of Applied Probability, Annals of Applied Statistics and Statistical Science. They also have reduced subscription rates to print IMS publications.

Special subscription rates for Bernoulli members

Members who would like to receive hard copies of the Bernoulli Journal and/or hard copies of the International Statistical Review at reduced rates may order them when applying for membership or renewing their membership (please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you need help). Rates for the Bernoulli Journal are available here.

The following journals are available online only, at discounted prices. You can subscribe directly by visiting the websites linked with each journal.

Online Application

        • Register to become a new Bernoulli Society Member
        • Bernoulli Society and IMS Joint Membership Application(become a member of IMS first and then select the option to add BS membership)
        • Bernoulli Society, IMS and ISI Joint Membership Application (only for ISI elected members - please send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Membership Dues through 2025

Members from high income economies   €84
First year of membership and first two years of postdoc for members from high income economies.   €42
PhD students - high income economies   €30
PhD students - low and middle income countries and regions   €12
Members from low and middle income countries and regions, retired members and retired couples   €34
Joint Membership - BS-IMS (membership via IMS office)   $154
Joint Membership - BS-IMS-ISI (only for elected ISI members)   €205
BS Life Membership - please send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.     

All prices are subject to change without prior notice.
The Bernoulli Society is not responsible for typographical errors.

Membership Officer

Ms. Margaret de Ruiter-Molloy (Membership Officer)
c/o International Statistical Institute
P.O. Box 24070
2490 AB The Hague
The Netherlands
Tel.  +31 70 337 5726
Fax +31 70 386 0025
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

© Bernoulli Society