
Bernoulli Society Bulletin e-Briefs

Issue 64, February 2025




For information to be considered in the next issue, please contact Alessia Caponera This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by March 30th.


General News

2025 General Assembly and Transfer of the Bernoulli Book

In a break with tradition, our next General Assembly –including the transfer of the Bernoulli book– will take place at the SPA 2025 meeting in Wroclaw, Poland (July 14–18, 2025) rather than the ISI World Statistics Congress (October 5–9, 2025). This is due to the ISI WSC being exceptionally moved to autumn instead of its usual timing in the summer, thus not being well-aligned with our own administrative calendar.

European Meeting of Statisticians 2026 in Lugano

We are thrilled to share that the European Regional Committee of the Bernoulli Society has unanimously approved the proposal for the European Meeting of Statisticians 2026! The event will take place on August 24–28, 2026, at the stunning University of Italian Switzerland in Lugano, Switzerland. The program will feature special lectures and contributions coordinated with an ERC-Bernoulli contact person. Additionally, promotion for EMS 2026 will be widely disseminated through Bernoulli Society channels and beyond. We look forward to an unforgettable meeting in Lugano that will bring together the mathematical and statistical community. Stay tuned for more updates!

As we celebrate the upcoming EMS 2026, we also encourage those interested in hosting EMS 2027 or EMS 2029 to submit proposals. For detailed guidance on requirements, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Proposals should be finalized by March 31, 2025.

New Appointments

We are delighted to announce several new appointments to key roles within the Bernoulli Society, effective January 1, 2025. Kengo Kato (Cornell University, USA) has succeeded Davy Pandeveine as the Editor of Bernoulli, Matthias Faes (TU Dortmund, Germany) has taken on the role of Chair of the Probability and Statistics in Physical Sciences Committee, succeeding Jingwen Song, and Małgorzata Bogdan (University of Wroclaw, Poland) has become the new Chair of the European Regional Committee, taking over from Sonia Petrone. Additionally, the Publication Committee begins a new four-year term with the following members: Davy Pandeveine (Past Editor, Bernoulli), Matthias Löwe (Past Editor, SPA), Rongfeng Sun (NUS, Singapore), Christian Genest (McGill University, Canada), and Shueji Ma (UC Riverside, USA). We extend our heartfelt thanks to all outgoing officers for their invaluable contributions and wish the newly appointed members every success in their roles!

Itô Prize – Recipients

We are delighted to announce that the winner of the 2025 Itô Prize is Minmin Wang (University of Sussex, UK), for the paper Stable trees as mixings of inhomogeneous continuum random trees, published in Stochastic Processes and their Applications. Volume 175, August 2024. More details about this award can be found here.

New Research Award – Recipients

The winners of the 2025 New Researcher Award in Mathematical Statistics are Rianne de Heide (University of Twente, Netherlands), Lihua Lei (Stanford Graduate School of Business, USA), and Snigdha Panigrahi (University of Michigan, USA). The awardees will present their work during a special invited session at the upcoming 65th ISI World Statistics Congress, taking place in The Hague on October 5–9, 2025. The committee also extends an honorable mention to Ashwin Pananjady (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA). We wish them continued success! More details about this award can be found https://www.bernoullisociety.org/prizes/267-bernoulli-society-new-researcher-award" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" style="color: rgb(0, 172, 255);">here.

Call for Special Issue of Extremes: Bridging Heavy Tails and Artificial Intelligence

The journal Extremes invites contributions to a special issue on Artificial Intelligence and Extreme Value Theory with the aim of bridging the gap between the two fields and addressing the growing challenges posed by extreme events. Topics of interest include interfaces between regularly-varying tails and machine learning, neural architectures for modeling heavy-tailed phenomena, explainability of machine learning models for extremes, generative models for extreme events, and online learning methods for extreme events. Manuscripts must be submitted by March 30, 2025. For guidelines and submissions, visit the Springer Submission Portal.

Warning: Phishing Attempt

In the last months a phishing attempt is underway, targeting members of our Society. The author poses as the as the Society's president, and asks for urgent help and/or a wire transfer. Please ignore/delete any such emails. More generally, if you are ever doubtful about the authenticity of an email appearing to originate from a Bernoulli Society officer, please do not hesitate to double-check with the specific officer directly but using the email in their official webpage (not responding to the suspicious email). You can also contact the Society's secretariat at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Events Sponsored and Co-Sponsored by Bernoulli Society

Extreme Value Analysis 2025

June 23–27, 2025
Chapel Hill, USA

The 14th International Conference on Extreme Value Analysis will be hosted by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA, from June 23 to 27, 2025. Topics include all aspects of extreme value analysis, probabilistic and statistical models and their applications. Activities include plenary, invited and contributed paper sessions, a poster competition, and student paper competition, and a data analysis challenge. There will also be a short course (June 22), with presentations by Anne Sabourin (Université Paris Cité, France) and Anthony Davison (EPFL, Switzerland). For full details please consult the conference website.

Stochastic Processes and their Applications 2025

July 14–18, 2025
Wrocław, Poland

The 44th Conference on Stochastic Processes and their Applications will be held in July 2025 in Wrocław, Poland. The Bernoulli Society's Council Meeting, General Assembly and installation of the new Executive and Council will take place during this event. SPA conferences are organised under patronage of the Bernoulli Society and can justifiably be regarded as the most important international scientific meeting on the theory and applications of stochastic processes. They are held annually except for the years when the World Congress in Probability and Statistics takes place. Refer to the conference website for any updates, as well as for further details on the conference.

European Young Statisticians Meeting 2025

July 21–25, 2025
Turin, Italy

The 24th European Young Statisticians Meeting will take place in July 2025, hosted by Collegio Carlo Alberto in Turin, Italy. The EYSMs are held every two years under the auspices of the European Regional Committee of the Bernoulli Society. The aim is to provide a scientific forum for the next generation of European researchers in probability theory and statistics. Participation is by invitation only. Check the conference website for further details.

ISI World Statistics Congress 2025

October 5–9, 2025
The Hague, Netherlands

The 65th ISI World Statistics Congress will be held in October 2025 in The Hague, Netherlands. It takes place every two years, since 1887, and it represents the leading congress on statistics and data science worldwide. The programme will span the full field of statistics and data science including academia, business, industry, government and official statistics in line with the breadth of the ISI and the Associations affiliated with the ISI. Please note that the conference has been postponed from July to October. Refer to the conference website for any updates, as well as for further details on the conference.

Latin American Congress of Probability and Mathematical Statistics 2026

March 2-6, 2026
Montevideo, Uruguay

The 17th Latin American Congress of Probability and Mathematical Statistics will be held in March 2026, in Montevideo, Uruguay. The congress, promoted by the Latin American Society of Probability and Mathematical Statistics and the Latin American Regional Committee of the Bernoulli Society, is the main event in these fields in the region. It occurs every two/three years and attracts researchers and students from the most important Latin American centers. It has already been organized in Venezuela, Uruguay, Mexico, Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Cuba, Peru, Colombia, and Costa Rica. Check the conference website for further details.


Other Highlighted Events

Workshop Accelerating Statistical Inference and Experimental Design with Machine Learning

June 23-27, 2026
Cambridge, UK

We are pleased to announce the upcoming workshop on leveraging modern machine learning to accelerate statistical inference, experimental design, and scientific discovery. The workshop will take take place in June 2025 at the Isaac Newton Institute in Cambridge, UK. Check the conference website for further details.


Recent Issues of Official and Sponsored Publications

Official Publications of the Bernoulli Society

Bernoulli https://projecteuclid.org/journals/bernoulli

Stochastic Processes and their Applications https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/stochastic-processes-and-their-applications

SpringerBriefs in Probability and Mathematical Statistics https://www.springer.com/series/14353

Co-Sponsored Publications

Have a look at http://www.bernoullisociety.org/index.php/publications for the latest articles in Electronic Communications in Probability, Electronic Journal of Probability, Electronic Journal of Statistics, Probability Surveys, Statistics Surveys, and ALEA.

Bernoulli News

Latest issue at http://www.bernoullisociety.org/index.php/publications/bernoulli-news

© Bernoulli Society