We create a joint IMS-Bernoulli Society lecture in probability and stochastic processes titled the Schramm lecture. For details about the lecture see: http://imstat.org/Schramm/
The Schramm lecturer will be selected by the Schramm/Doob Lecture Selection Committee. The lecture will be featured at IMS or Bernoulli Society meetings and is named in honor of Oded Schramm.
The eighth World Congress in Probability and Statistics will be in Istanbul from July 9 to 14, 2012. It is jointly organized by the Bernoulli Society and the Institute of Mathematical Statistics. Scheduled every four years, this meeting is a major worldwide event for statistics and probability, covering all its branches, including theoretical, methodological, applied and computational statistics and probability, and stochastic processes. It features the latest scientific developments in these fields.
The program will cover a wide range of topics in statistics and probability, presenting recent developments and the state of the art in a variety of modern research topics, with in-depth sessions on applications of these disciplines to other sciences, industrial innovation and society. It will feature several special plenary lectures presented by leading specialists. In addition, there will be many invited sessions highlighting topics of current research interests, as well as a large number of contributed sessions and posters.
In particular, note that there are various possibilities for financial support, e.g. World bank, NSF and IMS.
General Assembly Meeting
On Thursday 25 August 2011, at 13.30, the Bernoulli Society General Assembly Meeting will take place in the Dublin Convention Centre, Liffey Meeting Room 2, during the 58th ISI World Statistics Congress in Dublin, August, 21-26, 2011. Members and nonmembers of the Society are invited to participate. Voting is reserved to Bernoulli Society members.
The Prize is to honour the scientific work of Wolfgang Doeblin. It will be awarded for outstanding work in the field of probability, to a single individual who is at the beginning of his or her mathematical career.
The Wolfgang Doeblin Prize is generously supported by Springer. The awardee will be invited to submit to the journal Probability Theory and Related Fields a paper for publication as the Wolfgang Doeblin Prize Article, and will also be invited to present a Doeblin Prize Lecture in a later Conference on Stochastic Processes and their Applications.
Each nomination should offer a brief case in support and should be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 30th November 2011.
Bernoulli prize for an outstanding survey article in probability - Call for nominations
The Bernoulli Society has initiated a new prize to recognize an outstanding survey article in probability. Nominations exclude self-nominations, and can otherwise be submitted to the committee chair David Aldous This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Nominations should include full name and email address of both the nominee and nominator, as well as a pdf file of the published article. Nominations should be submitted by November 30, 2011.
Prof. Patrick Billingsley passed away on April 22, 2011.
Mentor Programme for Ph.D students
A new international web-based mentor programme for Ph.D students in statistics and probability at universities in developing countries is launched, sponsored by the International Statistical Institute and the Bernoulli Society. Ph.D students can enrol for the programme online and are put in contact with volunteer senior statisticians. The programme is based in Oslo, see http://statmentoring.nr.no to find out more on what the programme does. If you wish to join you can enrol as a mentor, or join as a student.
YSI 2011 - Young Statisticians Meeting, August 19-21, 2011
As a satellite meeting to the 2011 ISI World Congress, and the first of its kind, the Young Statisticians Meeting - YSI 2011 seeks to promote the active participation of early career statisticians in the epicentre of the ISI World Congress. The meeting will give the opportunity for young statisticians to present their work in an encouraging and heartening environment, build scientific bonds with colleagues in their respective fields, and learn from and interact with some of the leaders of the discipline in an informal, compact and conducive environment.
Invited Speakers are: Dianne Cook (Iowa State), Sir David Cox (Oxford), Peter Guttorp (Washington), Valerie Isham (UCL), Rajan Patel (Google), Adrian Raftery (Washington), Jonathan Taylor (Stanford), Martin Wainwright (Berkeley).
The registration is now open. Registration deadline is May 1st.
Conference in Honour of Søren Asmussen, August 1-5, 2011
Note that Leonardo Rojas-Nandayapa (University of Queensland) and Olivier Wintenberger (University Paris Dauphine) were awarded two Elsevier Travel Awards (500 Euros each) for participation in this conference.
Bernoulli Society participation in the 58th ISI World Statistics Congress
Take a note of the participation of the Bernoulli Society in the 58thISI World Statistics Congress in Dublin, August 21-26. Organized or sponsored activities include:
Credit Risk and Levy Processes organized by Wim Schoutens (University of Leuven, Belgium)
MCMC organized by Gareth Roberts (University of Warwick, United Kingdom)
Inferential tools based on model selection, shrinkage and related methods organized by Hannes Leeb (University of Vienna, Austria)
General Assembly of the Bernoulli Society. Send suggestions for Open Floor Discussion to the Bern Soc Executive Secretary Ada van Krimpen (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).