
Further news and details on some of the information below can be found in:

Please see also the list of upcoming conferences and meetings.

Announcements and News

Congratulations to Professor Zhen-Qing Chen (University of Washington, Seattle, USA) and Professor Masatoshi Fukushima (Osaka University, Toyonaka, Japan), for their paper:

Stochastic Komatsu-Loewner evolution and BMD domain constant
Stochastic Processes and Applications, Volume 128 (2018), 545-594.

The 2019 winning article was chosen by a selection committee consisting of senior members of the probability community and representing wide geographical and specialization diversity. The award will be presented at the 41st Conference on Stochastic Processes and their Applications (SPA 2019) in Evanston, Illinois - 8 to 12 July 2019 where the authors will give a plenary talk.

The award consists of a certificate and a monetary award of US$5000.

The paper is freely available to access until the end of 2019 via ScienceDirect.

The Bernoulli Society (BS) invites submissions of proposals for Special Topic Sessions (STS) at the 62nd ISI-WSC, to be held from 18 to 23 August 2019 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Proposals can be submitted using the electronic submission system on the ISI-WSC website

To ensure full consideration, please submit your STS proposals by 15 August 2018.

Each proposal should include: (1) a paragraph describing and justifying the proposed session; (2) a list of speakers and discussants that have agreed to participate; (3) an organizer, as well as a potential replacement in case that organizer declines.

The New Researcher Award is for Bernoulli Society members who are active researchers of mathematical statistics. The main goal of this award is to recognize innovative research by new researchers.

The applicants for this award were asked to submit a 3-page synopsis of their presentation, along with their CV by February 28, 2018. The response to this award call was fabulous - 34 applications were submitted many of which were very strong applications making the selection procedure extremely challenging. After evaluating each CV and synopsis, the award committee has chosen the following new researchers for the award:

Po-Ling Loh, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Gongjun Xu, University of Michigan

Lingzhou Xue, Pennsylvania State University

Each of the awardees will deliver a 30-minute talk at the 62nd ISI-WSC to be held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia during August 18 - 23, 2019, and will receive funding from Bernoulli Society towards travel and other expenses.

Apart from the above awardees, Bernoulli Society is awarding honourable mentions to the following researchers:

Quentin Berthet, University of Cambridge

Sebastian Engelke, University of Geneva

Subhabrata Sen, Microsoft Research New England and Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Bernoulli Society would like to congratulate the above researchers and thank each and every applicant for their interest in the award.

Parthanil Roy, Bernoulli Youth Representative
Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore, India

Leonardo T. Rolla, Membership Secretary
Argentinian National Research Council and NYU-Shanghai

The Newbold Prize Committee invites nominations for the Ethel Newbold Prize. The Ethel Newbold Prize for excellence in statistics is awarded every 2 years, next time in spring 2019. The name of the prize recognizes a historically important role of women in statistics. The prize itself is for excellence in statistics without reference to the gender of the recipient. The Ethel Newbold Prize is generously supported by Wiley.

The Ethel Newbold Prize is to be awarded to an outstanding statistical scientist for a body of work that represents excellence in research in mathematical statistics and/or excellence in research that links developments in a substantive field to new advances in statistics.

The prize will be awarded at a following Bernoulli-IMS World Congress, Bernoulli-sponsored major conference, or ISI World Statistics Congress. The awardee will also be invited to present a talk at one of these conferences.

Deadline for nominations: November 30.

For more details click here.

The venue and the dates for the 10th Bernoulli-IMS World Congress (BS-IMS-WC) in Probability and Statistics are now determined. It will be held in Seoul National University, South Korea, on August 17-21, 2020.

The congress is the latest in a series organized jointly by the Bernoulli Society and the Institute of Mathematical Statistics. Held every four years, the Congress is a worldwide event covering all branches of statistics and probability. This includes theoretical, methodological, applied and computational statistics and probability, as well as stochastic processes. The latest scientific developments in all of these fields are showcased.

Previous congresses have been held in Toronto (2016), Istanbul (2012), Singapore (2008), Barcelona (2004), Guanajuato (2000), Vienna (1996), Chapel Hill (1994), Uppsala (1990), and Tashkent (1986).

During the 2016 Bernoulli-IMS World Congress in Toronto, Allan Sly was awarded the Doeblin Prize. The prize is sponsored by Springer. Sara van de Geer as Bernoulli Society President added the following to accompany the awarding of the prize:

This prize is awarded to a single individual for outstanding research in the field of probability, and who is at the beginning of his or her mathematical career. The Committee for Conferences on Stochastic Processes has elected you as the prize winner.

You are a very broad young probabilist, with great taste for fundamental problems at the intersection between probability theory, statistics, statistical physics and theoretical computer science. You have worked on topics such as Glauber dynamics for the Ising model, random k-satisfiability, interacting particle systems, the connection between computational complexity and phase transitions. Each of these topics has witnesed fundamental progress due to your efforts.

You are invited to submit to the journal Probability Theory and Related Fields a paper for publication as the Wolfgang Doeblin Prize Article, and will also be invited to present the Doeblin Prize Lecture at Conference on Stochastic Processes and their Applications 2017.

Then, I hereby hand over the certificate, as well as an official letter of the BS.


The Bernoulli Society Reception for Young Researchers took place on July 12th at the Prenup Pub in Toronto.Below are a few pictures from the event.




If you are interested in joining the Bernoulli Society, please have a look at this flyer (pdf) 

The Short Course Committee for the 2017 ISI World Statistics Congress (ISI-WSC-2017) in Marrakech, Morocco has been appointed. The ISI-WSC-2017 has been asked to develop a short course programme to serve the diverse needs of participants at the ISI-WSC-2017. The ISI-WSC-2017 is inviting the members of the ISI and its Associations to submit proposals for short courses.

The ISI views the short course programme as an important part of its statistical capacity building activities. Therefore, courses aimed at the development of statistical capacity of participants, including young statisticians and those in the local region, are especially welcome. The proposals received from members and other sources will be reviewed by the ISI-WSC-2017, which will develop the short course programme for ISI-WSC-2017 and submit it to the Executive Committee of the ISI for approval. 

Further information can be found here.

The Bernoulli Society General Assembly will meet during the 9th World Congress of Probability and Statistics, on Tuesday July 12, at 12:45-13:45, in the Medical Sciences Auditorium, Toronto. Lunch will not to be provided. The Bernoulli Council, composed by the current Council Members and the Executive Committee, will meet on Monday July 11, 12:45-13:45 in Room 210 of the Fields Institute.

ALEA, the Latin American Journal of Probability and Mathematical Statistics, publishes research articles in probability theory, stochastic processes, mathematical statistics, and their applications. It publishes also review articles of subjects which developed considerably in recent years. All articles submitted go through a rigorous refereeing process by peers and are published immediately after accepted. It is an electronic journal which provides open access to all of its content. It is supported by IMPA, Instituto do Milênio, CIMAT, IMS and the Bernoulli Society.

© Bernoulli Society