
Further news and details on some of the information below can be found in:

Please see also the list of upcoming conferences and meetings.

Announcements and News

The Bernoulli Society Reception for Young Researchers took place on July 12th at the Prenup Pub in Toronto.Below are a few pictures from the event.




If you are interested in joining the Bernoulli Society, please have a look at this flyer (pdf) 

The Short Course Committee for the 2017 ISI World Statistics Congress (ISI-WSC-2017) in Marrakech, Morocco has been appointed. The ISI-WSC-2017 has been asked to develop a short course programme to serve the diverse needs of participants at the ISI-WSC-2017. The ISI-WSC-2017 is inviting the members of the ISI and its Associations to submit proposals for short courses.

The ISI views the short course programme as an important part of its statistical capacity building activities. Therefore, courses aimed at the development of statistical capacity of participants, including young statisticians and those in the local region, are especially welcome. The proposals received from members and other sources will be reviewed by the ISI-WSC-2017, which will develop the short course programme for ISI-WSC-2017 and submit it to the Executive Committee of the ISI for approval. 

Further information can be found here.

The Bernoulli Society General Assembly will meet during the 9th World Congress of Probability and Statistics, on Tuesday July 12, at 12:45-13:45, in the Medical Sciences Auditorium, Toronto. Lunch will not to be provided. The Bernoulli Council, composed by the current Council Members and the Executive Committee, will meet on Monday July 11, 12:45-13:45 in Room 210 of the Fields Institute.

ALEA, the Latin American Journal of Probability and Mathematical Statistics, publishes research articles in probability theory, stochastic processes, mathematical statistics, and their applications. It publishes also review articles of subjects which developed considerably in recent years. All articles submitted go through a rigorous refereeing process by peers and are published immediately after accepted. It is an electronic journal which provides open access to all of its content. It is supported by IMPA, Instituto do Milênio, CIMAT, IMS and the Bernoulli Society.

Our former president, Peter Gavin Hall, Fellow of Australian Academy of Science, the Royal Society of London, and National Academy of Science of USA, passed away on January 9th, 2016 in Melbourne. Peter Hall has made profound contributions to Statistics as well as to Mathematics, Economics, engineering, physical science and biological science. MathSciNet lists him with 606 publications and 240 distinct co-authors. He was a very kind person, has mentored, helped and influenced many people in Statistics. Peter has also devoted much energy to the advance of Statistics discipline world-wide.

The last General Assembly has approved new statutes for the Bernoulli Society, available at

Our new statutes included a Publications Secretary in the composition of the Executive Committee. Following the new statutes, President Sara van de Geer, after consulting this matter with the Council, appointed Thomas Mikosch for the office, which should be confirmed at the next General Assembly.

We are happy to welcome Kavita Ramanan is the new chair of the Committee for Conferences on Stochastic Processes, and Konstantin Zuev as the new chair of the Committee on Probability and Statistics in the Physical Sciences. We also welcome Arup Bose, Valerie Isham, Victor Rivero, Akira Sakai, Lorenzo Zambotti and Johanna Ziegel as new Council members for the term 2015-2019.

You are warmly invited to submit a proposal for Invited Paper Sessions at the 61st ISI World Statistics Congress 2017. Each proposal should include a brief description and justification for the proposed session and a list of speakers and discussants who have agreed to participate. The selection criteria will take into account diversity, scientific quality and impact.

Deadline: February 25. Remember to indicate that your proposal is related to the Bernoulli Society.




We are pleased to announce the series SpringerBriefs in Probability and Mathematical Statistics. Published by Srpinger under the auspices of the Bernoulli Society, SpringerBriefs present concise summaries of cutting-edge research and practical applications across a wide spectrum of fields. M. Podolskij is serving as Editor-in-chief, and N. Gantert, R. Nickl, S. Péché, G. Reinert, M. Rosenbaum, and W.B. Wu as Series Editors.

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