
- Committee Members
- Past and future conferences
- Guidelines for organisers

The Committee for Conferences on Stochastic Processes (CCSP) is a subject area committee of the Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability, under Article 5.2 of its statutes. The objective of CCSP is the advancement of the theory and application of stochastic processes. It will organize international meetings on this subject, and generally play a role in the activities of the International Statistical Institute, that is consistent with this task. The CCSP will conduct its affairs in accordance with the spirit of the statutes of the Bernoulli Society, while retaining autonomy and flexibility, in order to ensure continuity of ideas and goals.

Committee Members



Panki Kim (KR)


Past Chair:

Claudio Landim (BR)



 Active members: Fabrice Baudoin (US) [2024-2027]
  Louigi Addario-Berry (CA) [2024-2027]

Sandra Cerrai  (US)


  Ana Bela Cruzeiro (PT, CH) 2024-2027 (chair of LOC for SPA 2023)

Ryoki Fukushima (JP)

[2020-2023] [2024-2027]


Panki Kim (KR)

[2020-2023] [2024-2027]


Claudio Landim (BR) 

[2020-2023] [2024-2027]


Victor M. Panaretos (CH)

[BS president, ex officio]


Lea Popovic  (CA)  


  Eviatar Procaccia (IL) [2022-2025]
  Daniel Remenik (CL) [2024-2027]
  Parthanil Roy (IN)  [2018-2021][2022-2025]
  Pierre-François Rodriguez (UK) [2024-2027]
  Karl-Theodor Sturm (DE) [2020-2023] [2024-2027]
  Rongfeng Sun (SG) [2022-2025] 
  Cristina Toninelli (FR) [2020-2023] [2024-2027]
  Hao Wu (CN) [2024-2027]
  Lorenzo Zambotti (FR) [2024-2027]
   Xicheng Zhang (CN) 2023-2026 (chair of LOC SPA 2022)

Past and future conferences on stochastic processes and their applications (SPA)

  • 44th. 2025 Wrocław (Poland) conference website
  • ........ 2024 No meeting (World Congress in Bochum, Germany, August 12 - 16, 2024, conference website.)
  • 43rd. 2023 Lisbon (Portugal), July 24 - 28, 2023, conference website.
  • 42nd. 2022 Wuhan, China, June 27 - July 1, 2022, planned in 2021, postponed to 2022, held in a hybrid form, conference website.
  • ........ 2021 No meeting (the postponed World Congress in Seoul, Korea, July 19-23, 2021, held online, conference website.) 
  • ........ 2020 No meeting (World Congress in Seoul, Korea, planned for 2020, postponed to 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic)
  • 41st. 2019 Evanston, Chicago, USA, July 8-12.
  • 40th. 2018 Gothenburg, Sweden, June 11-15 conference website.
  • 39th. 2017 Moscow, Russia, July 24-28, conference website.
  • ........ 2016 No meeting (World Congress, Toronto, Canada, July 11-15, conference website.)
  • 38th. 2015 Oxford, UK, July 13-17, conference website.
  • 37th. 2014 Buenos Aires, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina, July 28 - August 1, conference website, participants 300.
  • 36th. 2013 Boulder, Colorado, USA, July 29 - August 2, 2013, conference website.
  • ........ 2012 No meeting (World Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, July 9-14, conference website.)
  • 35th. 2011 Oaxaca, Mexico, June 19-25, 2011, conference website.
  • 34th. 2010 Osaka, Japan, September 6-10, 2010, conference website, participants 406.
  • 33rd. 2009 Berlin, Germany, July 27-31, 2009, conference website, participants 650.
  • ........ 2008 No meeting (World Congress, Singapore, July 14-19, 2008, conference website.)
  • 32nd. 2007 Champaign-Urbana, Illinois USA, August 5-11, 2007, conference website, participants 200.
  • 31st. 2006 Paris, France, July 17-21, 2006, conference website, participants 550.
  • 30th. 2005 Santa Barbara, California, USA, conference website, participants 150, see the report by Raya Feldman in Bernoulli News 12, No.2, 2005.
  • ........ 2004 No meeting (6th World Congress, Barcelona, July 26-31, 2004, conference website.)
  • 29th. 2003 Angra dos Reis, Brazil
  • 28th. 2002 Melbourne, Australia
  • 27th. 2001 Cambridge, England
  • ........ 2000 No meeting (5th World Congress in Guanajuato)
  • 26th. 1999 Beijing, China
  • 25th. 1998 Corvallis, Oregon, USA
  • 24th. 1997 Viña del Mar, Chile
  • ........ 1996 No meeting (4th World Congress in Vienna)
  • 23rd. 1995 Singapore
  • ........ 1994 No meeting (3rd World Congress in Chapel Hill)
  • 22nd. 1993 Amsterdam, The Netherlands
  • 21st. 1992 York, Canada
  • 20th. 1991 Nahariya, Israel
  • 19th. 1990 Eisenach, Germany
  • 18th. 1989 Madison, USA
  • 17th. 1988 Rome, Italy
  • 16th. 1987 Stanford, USA
  • 15th. 1985 Nagoya, Japan
  • 14th. 1984 Gothenburg, Sweden
  • 13th. 1983 Cornell, USA
  • 12th. 1982 Clermont-Ferrand, France
  • 11th. 1981 (December) India
  • 10th. 1981 Montreal, Canada
  • ........ 1980 No meeting
  • 9th. 1979 Evanston, USA
  • 8th. 1978 Canberra, Australia
  • 7th. 1977 Enschede, The Netherlands
  • 6th. 1976 Israel
  • 5th. 1975 College Park, Maryland
  • 4th. 1974 York, Canada
  • 3rd. 1973 Sheffield, UK
  • 2nd. 1972 Louvain or Leuven, Belgium
  • 1st.  1971 Rochester, NY, US

Guidelines for organisers of SPAs

The CCSP takes responsibility for general oversight of the SPAs, by interacting with SPAs’ organisers. The CCSP in cooperation with the local organisers, will make sure that there is broad representation on the Scientific Programme Committee and in the speakers, that local facilities are appropriate and that registration fees are reasonable.

Each SPA will have at least two committees: an Organising Committee and a Scientific Programme Committee. Members of these committees are appointed by the organisers, in consultation with CCSP.

The scientific programme of a SPA will typically consists of:

  • Plenary lectures (about 13, including the named ones)
  • Doob lecture*
  • Schramm lecture (Selected by the Doob/Schramm Lecture Committee in collaboration with IMS)
  • Lévy lecture (selected by SPA organizers, sponsored by Elsevier)
  • IMS-Medallion lectures (up to two, selected and sponsored by IMS)
  • Itô Prize lecture (by the Itô Prize winner, sponsored by Elsevier, each second year)
  • Invited sessions (about three lectures each)
  • Contributed sessions
  • Poster sessions

* Selected by the Doob/Schramm Lecture Committee in collaboration with IMS in years divisible by 4 when there is a joint BS-IMS World Congress, and by the Scientific Program Committee of SPA meetings during all other years - sponsored by the Illinois J. of Mathematics.

- Executive Committee
- Council
- Committee Chairs
- Regional Committee Chairs
- Editors
- Web Editor

Executive Committee


Victor M. Panaretos (EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland) 

July 2023 - July 2025
Past President

Adam Jakubowski (Nicolaus Copernicus Univ., Torun, Poland)

July 2023 - July 2025
President Elect Nancy Reid (University of Toronto, Canada) July 2023 - July 2025
ISI Director Conchita Kleijweg (ISI Office, Netherlands) July 2022 -
Publicity Secretary Corina Constantinescu (University of Liverpool, United Kingdom) Jan 2024 - Dec 2025
Membership Secretary Sebastian Engelke (Univ. of Geneva, Switzerland)   Jan 2024 - Dec 2025
Publications Secretary Mark Podolskij (Univ. of Luxembourg, Luxembourg)  July 2022 - June 2026
Scientific Secretary Jianfeng (Jeff) Yao (Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong - Shenzhen, China)

July 2023 - July 2027


Johan Segers (Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium)

Jan 2022 - Dec 2025

Former Non-Presidential Officeholders of the Bernoulli Society Executive Committee

Ordinary Council Members 2021-2025

  David Aldous (UC Berkeley, USA)  
  Susanne Ditlevsen (Copenhagen Univ., Denmark)  
  Jean-Marie Dufour (McGill Univ., Canada)  
  Marie-Colette van Lieshout (Twente Univ., Netherlands)  
  Rolando Rebolledo (Valparaiso Univ., Chile)  
  Aad van der Vaart (TU Delft, Netherlands)  

 Ordinary Council Members 2023-2027

  David Croydon (University of Kyoto, Japan)  
  Holger Dette (University of Bochum, Germany)  
  Thomas Mikosch (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)  
  Giovanni Peccati (University of Luxemburg, Luxemburg)  
  Maria-Eulalia Vares (University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)  
  Andrew Wood (Australian National University, Australia)  

Chairs of Standing Committees

Administrative Committee

Publication Committee Mark Podolskij (Univ. of Luxembourg, Luxembourg)  July 2022 - June 2026
Publicity Committee Corina Constantinescu (Univ. of Liverpool, UK) Jan 2024 - Dec 2025

Subject Area Committees

Conferences on Stochastic Processes Panki Kim (SNU, South Korea) Feb 2024 - Dec 2025
Probability and Statistics in the Physical Sciences Jingwen Song (Northwestern Polytechnical University, China)

Jan 2023 - Dec 2024

Statistical Network Science Gesine Reinert (University of Oxford, UK)

June 2022 - June 2024 

Regional Committees

European Sonia Petrone (Bocconi University, Italy) Jan 2023 - Dec 2024
East-Asian and Pacific Ajay Jasra (Chinese University of Hong Kong, China) Feb 2024 - Dec 2025
Latin America Inés Armendáriz (UBA, Argentina)  September 2023 - September 2025


Young Researchers


Chiara Amorino (Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona);

Andressa Cerqueira (Federal Univ. of São Carlo, Brazil);

Tan Yan Shuo  (National University of Singapore)

Aug 2024-July 2026

Journal Editors

Bernoulli Davy Paindaveine (Université Libre des Bruxelles, Belgium) Jan 2021 - Dec 2024
Stochastic Processes and Their Applications Eva Loecherbach (Université de Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, France)  April 2024 - March 2027

Information Channels Editors

Bernoulli News

Bojana Milošević (Univ. of Belgrade, Serbia)  July 2023 - June 2025 
e-Briefs Alessia Caponera (LUISS Guido Carli, Italy)  July 2023 - June 2025 

  Web Editors and Secretariat

Kamila Siuda (NCU Toruń, Poland)
July 2022 -
Backend Editor
Adrian Figiel (NCU Toruń, Poland)
July 2022 -


You can visit https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/activate/spa to activate your account.

For "Customer Reference Number," use your Bernoulli Society membership number to create the account (unless you subscribe to the print version of SPA, in which case the Customer Reference Number can be found on the mailing label of the paper issue).

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In the future you can go straight to http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/03044149 and enter your personal username and password in the login bar on the top of the page.

If you encounter any problems registering, please contact our Membership Secretary.


The Bernoulli Society is led by an Executive Committee and a Council. It has several standing committees for specific administrative functions, the development and advancement of specific subject areas in mathematical statistics and probability theory and their applications, and the support of activities that promote the cooperation within geographical regions.

Who is who in the Bernoulli Society

Committees of the Bernoulli Society

Governing Documents

Bernoulli Society communication channels

 Official publications of the Bernoulli Society

  • Bernoulli - Journal of the Bernoulli Society
  • Stochastic Processes and their Applications
  • SpringerBriefs in Probability and Mathematical Statistics:
    • for discount, members should contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Bernoulli Society co-sponsored publications

ISI publications



© Bernoulli Society