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Bernoulli Society communication channels
Official publications of the Bernoulli Society
Bernoulli Society co-sponsored publications
ISI publications
Content - Introduction - Our Publications - Our Meetings - Our History
The Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability was founded in 1975 as a Section of the International Statistical Institute (ISI). Established in 1885, the ISI is one of the oldest scientific associations operating in the modern world.
The objectives of the Bernoulli Society are the advancement of the sciences of probability (including stochastic processes) and mathematical statistics and of their applications to all those aspects of human endeavour which are directed towards the increase of natural knowledge and the welfare of mankind.
The Bernoulli Society has a membership of more than 1000 representing nearly 70 countries from all the continents. The Society has partnered with some societies to offer joint membership with reduction in dues by joining both organizations at the same time. These include the ISI and the IMS. There are many benefits of a Bernoulli Society membership and we offer different kinds of memberships.
The Bernoulli Society sponsors several scientific high level standards publications on its own or in strategic association with commercial publishers and other scientific societies. It is continually seeking for negotiations and decisions for favorable and reasonable commercial conditions for its publications and reduced rates in related publications for its members.
As one of its main activities, the Bernoulli Society organizes or sponsors several international meetings which have prominent relevance and strong traditions in mathematical statistics, probability and stochastic processes and their applications. The meetings are often held in conjunction with the Bernoulli Society regional and subject committees and other professional societies. Bernoulli Society members have reduced registration fees to these meetings.
The Bernoulli Society is led by an Executive Committee and a Council. In addition there are several standing committees for specific administrative functions, the development and advancement of specific subject areas in mathematical statistics, probability theory and stochastic processes and their applications, and the support of activities that promote the cooperation within geographical regions. Please look at the detailed descriptions of the organization and the Who is Who in the Bernoulli Society for further details.
Our Publications
The two official scientific publications are Bernoulli Journal and Stochastic Processes and their Applications (SPA, an Elsevier journal). The editorial boards of both journals are appointed by the Bernoulli Society.
Published twice a year, Bernoulli News is a magazine that provides detailed information about activities and initiatives of the Society. In addition, the BS contributes to the ISI Newsletter where a broad overview of ISI activities and additional information of interest to statisticians can be found.
In addition, the Bernoulli Society co-sponsors, on equal footing with the IMS, the following open-access online scientific publications: Electronic Communications in Probability, Electronic Journal of Probability, Electronic Journal of Statistics, Probability Surveys and Statistics Surveys. The editorial boards of the co-sponsored journals are jointly selected and appointed by the BS and the IMS and both societies share the cost of maintaining and operating these publications. Statistics Surveys is also co-sponsored by the American Statistical Association and the Statistical Society of Canada.
Bernoulli E-Briefs, is an electronic information bulletin that summarizes and draws the attention of relevant information to the membership.
Our Meetings
Some of the Bernoulli Society meetings with a proud tradition are:
- The World Congress of the Bernoulli Society every four years since 1986.
- The Conference on Stochastic Processes and their Applications organized every year (except the year of the BS World Congress) since 1971 by the Committee for Conferences on Stochastic Processes.
- The biennial ISI World Statistics Congress (formerly ISI Session) since 1853, where the BS organizes Special Invited Sessions.
- The annual European Meeting of Statisticians (EMS) since 1962 and the biennial European Young Statisticians Meeting (EYSM) since 1978, organized by the European Regional Committee.
- The Latin American Congress in Probability and Mathematical Statistics (CLAPEM) organized every two or three years since 1980 by the Latin American Regional Committee - SLAPEM
We maintain an extensive list of upcoming conferences and meetings.
Former Bernoulli Society Presidents are:
- 1975 David G Kendall
- 1975-1977 David Blackwell
- 1977-1979 Klaus Krickeberg
- 1979-1981 David R Cox
- 1981-1983 Pál Révész
- 1983-1985 Elizabeth Scott
- 1985-1987 Chris Heyde
- 1987-1989 Willem van Zwet
- 1989-1991 Albert N Shiryaev
- 1991-1993 Peter J Bickel
- 1993-1995 Ole Barndorff-Nielsen
- 1995-1997 Jef L Teugels
- 1997-1999 Louis Chen
- 1999-2001 David Siegmund
- 2001-2003 Peter G Hall
- 2003-2005 Don Dawson
- 2005-2007 Peter Jagers
- 2007-2009 Jean Jacod
- 2009-2011 Victor Perez-Abreu
- 2011-2013 Ed Waymire
- 2013-2015 Wilfrid S Kendall
- 2015-2017 Sara van de Geer
- 2017-2019 Susan Murphy
- 2019-2021 Claudia Klüppelberg
- 2021-2023 Adam Jakubowski
A list of non-presidential officeholders of the Bernoulli Society Executive Committee. For a detailed history of the Bernoulli Society please click here.
The Bernoulli Society organizes or sponsors several meetings in the area of Mathematical Statistics and Probability, whether, physical, virtual, or mixed.
Bernoulli sponsorship entails the following three stipulations:
- Displaying the Bernoulli logo in all publicity material, including webpages, posters, flyers, etc.
- Naming a Bernoulli Society member who will serve on the programme committee, and who will ensure the meeting is publicized in Bernoulli News as a Bernoulli sponsored meeting, and write a brief post-meeting report for Bernoulli News.
- Offering a reduced registration fee for Bernoulli Society members, unless the meeting charges a flat fee to all participants.
Organizers of a meeting seeking sponsorship should email their request to the Bernoulli Secretariat at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Requests should (1) provide a succinct context and scientific rationale, and (2) explicitly address the three points listed above.
Please note that advertising sponsored meetings in Bernoulli News and E-Briefs is subject to deadlines and space being available.
Bernoulli announces a call for proposals for the European Meeting of Statisticians (EMS) 2027 and 2029. The European Meetings of Statisticians are central events for statistics and probability in Europe and worldwide. The meetings should be the natural forum where all European statisticians and probabilists meet to exchange ideas and learn about the latest scientific developments. The EMS is typically held in June or July at a time of year that helps maximize attendance, although timing may vary depending on the local circumstances of the chosen venue. The venue should be a location accessible to a large proportion of Bernoulli membership and European researchers.
Anyone interested in hosting either EMS 2027 or EMS 2029 should contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. who can provide detailed information for guidance on what is required. Proposals are expected to be finalized by March 31, 2025.
Upcoming meetings
- 44th Conference on Stochastic Processes and their Applications, Wrocław, Poland, July 14-18, 2025. conference website.
- 24th European Young Statisticians Meeting (EYSM) 2025 in Turin, Italy, July 21-25, 2025, conference website.
- 65th World Statistics Congress in The Hague, October 5-9, 2025, conference website.
Ongoing seminars
Bernoulli regular meetings
Bernoulli-IMS World Congress in Probability and Statistics
- 12th 2028 in Singapore, Republic of Singapore, July 24-28, 2028.
- 11th 2024 in Bochum, Germany, August 12-16, 2024, conference website.
- 10th 2021 in Seoul, South Korea, July 19-23 2021, conference website. Pre-meeting for young researchers: July 17-18, 2021.
- 9th 2016 in Toronto, Canada, July 11-15, conference website. Pre-meeting for young researchers: July 7-8, 2016.
- 8th 2012 in Istanbul, Turkey, July 9-14, conference website, 750 participants.
- complete list
Conference on Stochastic Processes and their Applications (SPA)
- 45th 2026 in Ithaca, New York, USA, June 15-19.
- 44th 2025 in Wrocław, July 14-18 conference website
- 43rd 2023 in Lisbon, July 24-28. conference website.
- 42nd 2022 in Wuhan, China, June 27- July 1.conference website.
- 41st 2019 in Evanston, Chicago, USA, July 8-12.
- 40th 2018 in Gothenburg, Sweden, June 11-15, conference website.
- complete list
ISI World Statistics Congress
- 65th World Statistics Congress in The Hague, October 5-9, 2025, conference website
- 64th World Statistics Congress in Ottawa, Canada, July 16-20, 2023. conference website.
- 63rd 2021 in Hague, Netherlands, July 11-15, conference website.
- 62nd 2019 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, August 18-23, conference website.
- 61st 2017 in Marrakech, Morocco, July 16-21, conference website.
- complete list
One World summer courses and seminar series
- One World Probability Project project website.
- Bernoulli-IMS One World Symposium 2020, August 24 - 28, 2020.
Latin American Congress in Probability and Mathematical Statistics (CLAPEM)
- XVII CLAPEM 2026 in Montevideo, Uruguay, March 2-6, 2026, conference website
- XVI CLAPEM 2023 in São Paulo, Brazil, July 10-14, 2023,conference website.
- XV CLAPEM 2019 in Merida, Yucatán, Mexico, December 1-6, 2019, conference website.
- XIV CLAPEM 2016 in San José, Costa Rica, December 5-9, conference website.
- XIII CLAPEM 2014 in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, September 22-26, conference website.
- complete list
Brazilian School of Probability
- XXVII EBP in Salvador, Bahia, from August 5-9, 2024, conference website
- XXVI EBP in São Paulo, Brazil, July 30 – August 5, 2023, conference website
- XXV EBP in Campinas, Brazil, August 8-13, 2022. conference website
- XXIV EBP, August 31-September 04, 2020. conference website
- XXIII EBP in São Carlos, Brazil, July 22-27, 2019. conference website
- XX EBP in São Carlos, Brazil, July 4-9 2016, conference website
European Meeting of Statisticians (EMS)
- 35th 2026 in Lugano, Switzerland, August 24-28
- 34th 2023 in Warsaw, Poland, July 3-7, conference website.
- 33rd 2022 in Moscow, Russia, July 18-22 (cancelled).
- 32nd 2019 in Palermo, Italy, July 22-26, conference website.
- 31st 2017 in Helsinki, Finland, July 24-28, conference website.
- complete list
European Young Statisticians Meeting (EYSM)
- 24th 2025 in Turin, Italy, July 21-25, 2025, conference website.
- 23rd 2023 in Ljubljana, Slovenia, September, conference website.
- 22nd 2021 in Athens, Greece, September 6 - 10, conference website.
- 21st 2019 in Belgrade, Serbia, July 29 - August 2, conference website.
- 20th 2017 in Uppsala, Sweden, August 14-18, conference website.
- complete list
Past meetings