
The Schramm Lecture is an annual, joint IMS-Bernoulli Society lecture. The Schramm lecture will be given at SPA meetings in odd years, at IMS stand-alone annual meetings in even years not divisible by 4, and at the World Congress in Probability and Statistics in years divisible by 4.

The Doob lecture is generously supported by the Illinois Journal of Mathematics, and is a joint IMS-Bernoulli Society lecture in years divisible by 4 and is given at the World Congress in those years. In other years the lecture is given at the Stochastic Processes and Applications conference, and managed by the Bernoulli Committee for Conferences on Stochastic Processes through the Scientific Program Committee of the SPA conference (see http://www.bernoulli-society.org/index.php/organization/ccsp).

A joint IMS-Bernoulli Society committee will select these lecturers. This committee will be chosen by the Presidents of the IMS and the Bernoulli Society, in consultation, according to the following guidelines.

  1. The selection committee will normally have as regular members, two IMS representatives and two Bernoulli Society representatives. In years when lecturers are to be chosen for the World Congress, the chair of the scientific program committee for the Congress will serve as an ex-officio member of the committee.

    In choosing representatives: The Bernoulli Society President may consider chairs of prior SPA scientific program committees or CCSP for BS representatives. The IMS President may consider members of its Special Lectures committee for its representatives. Regular committee members may serve for one to three years, but will normally be appointed for two years.

  2. Each year a new chair will be appointed from the membership of the committee. For the lectures in odd years this will be chosen by the Bernoulli Society President, and for lectures in even years it will be chosen by the IMS President. However, the Presidents of both societies will consult with one another about the selection before it is made. Apart from the first year of selection, the committee should be in place by January 1 and should preferably begin its work by March 1, two years in advance of the meeting for which a speaker is to be chosen.

  3. Once the committee has settled on the nominee for a lecturer, the name of the nominee should be transmitted in confidence to the Presidents of the Bernoulli Society and the IMS for final approval. Preferably this would be done by May 15.

  4. Once a nominee has been approved, a joint letter from the Presidents of the IMS and the Bernoulli Society will be transmitted to the chosen nominee, inviting them to deliver the lecture.


Here is a list of recent Doob Lecturers:

  • Pablo Augusto Ferrai (Buenos Aires) (2024)
  • Rene Carmona (Princeton) (2023)
  • Hao Wu (Tsinghua) (2022)
  • Nicolas Curien (2020, delivered in 2021)
  • Jeremy Quastel (2019)
  • Jeffrey Steif (2018)
  • Vladimir Bogachev (2017)
  • Scott Sheffield (2016)
  • Terence Tao (2015)
  • Neil O’Connell (2013)
  • Yves Le Jan (2012)
  • Ruth Williams (2011)
  • Gregory Lawler (2010)
  • Ed Perkins (2009)
  • Marc Yor (2007)

IMS maintains a list of Schramm lecturers.


- Description
- About Kiyosi Itô
- Previous Itô Prize Winners
- Prize Committee

The prize honors the memory and celebrates the legacy of Professor Kiyosi Itô and his seminal contributions to probability theory. It is awarded every two years to the best paper in Stochastic Processes and their Applications published in a period of two years.


The Itô prize is awarded by the Elsevier journal Stochastic Processes and their Applications to reward a paper recently published in the journal that we feel has significantly advanced the theory or applications of stochastic processes. The prize also has the purpose of honoring the vast and seminal contributions of Professor K. Itô to the subject.

Professor Kiyosi Itô was born on September 7, 1915 in Mie, Japan. In 2003 when the prize was first awarded, he turned 88 years old. In Japan this is a significant birthday, known as one’s “rice birthday,” since the characters for 88 resemble the character for rice. It was thus a fitting time to acknowledge the immense gifts Professor Itô has given to mathematics and to probability theory in particular, by naming this prize in his honor. It is also appropriate to remind ourselves of the contributions Professor Itô has made to the field, and how significant they are.

The prize consists of a monetary award of $USD 5000 and is awarded at the Bernoulli Society Conference on Stochastic Processes and Their Applications celebrated in odd years, where the winner presents the Itô Lecture.

About Kiyosi Itô

K. Itô was born in 1915, in the prefecture of Mie in Japan. His invention of stochastic calculus is by now a central element in Probability Theory. It took nearly twenty five years for this work, which had been elaborated between 1942 and 1950, to permeate the field until it became a standard topic taught in every course on advanced probability.

In 1970, K. Itô published a second revolutionary paper, in which he developed the theory of excursions of a Markov process. This work immediately inspired new studies, for Brownian excursions in particular, allowing to revisit and extend the pioneering work of Paul Lévy on this topic.

K. Itô is the co-author, with H.P. Mc Kean, of the book Diffusion Processes and their Sample paths (1965), which has been extremely influential in the study of diffusion processes, say between 1965 and 1980.

One should also mention Itô's book on infinite-dimensional Markov processes, a topic of which he was particularly fond, as can be seen from the Foreword in Selected Papers (1987) in which he writes: After several years it became my habit to observe even finite-dimensional facts from the infinite-dimensional viewpoint. Indeed, this viewpoint is extremely fruitful, as Itô's theory of excursions shows very clearly. I consider that Malliavin Calculus hinges upon the same general principle (this is not a very original statement!)

K. Itô has founded an extremely powerful probabilistic school in Japan; among his students let me mention N. Ikeda, H. Kunita, M. Fukushima and S. Watanabe, each of whom had also many students who continued to develop their master's field.

To summarize, K. Itô is one of the greatest probabilists of the twentieth century, in the same vein as P. Lévy and A. Kolmogorov.

(From Kiyosi I Itô remembered (1915-2008), by Marc Yor, Bernoulli News Vol. 16, No 1, May 2009, http://isi.cbs.nl/bnews/09a/index.html). See also http://unjobs.org/authors/kiyosi-ito.

The prize is presented at the SPA conference series, and consists of a monetary award of $5000.

Announcement: Itô Prize winners 2025 

We are delighted to announce that the winner of the 2025 Itô Prize is Minmin Wang from the University of Sussex, UK, for the paper Stable trees as mixings of inhomogeneous continuum random trees, published in Stochastic Processes and their Applications. Volume 175, August 2024.

Previous Itô Prize winners

The Itô Prize 2023 was awarded to  Alexander Iksanov and Andrey Pilipenko for the paper On a skew stable Lévy process published in Stochastic Processes and their Applications. Volume 156, February 2023, Pages 44-68.

The Itô Prize 2021 was awarded to Anne van Delft for her paper A note on quadratic forms of stationary functional time series under mild conditions published in Stochastic Processes and their Applications. Volume 130, Issue 7, July 2020, Pages 4206-4251.

The Itô Prize 2019 was awarded to Zhen-Qing Chen and Masatoshi Fukushima, for their paper entitled Stochastic Komatsu-Loewner evolution and BMD domain constant published in Stochastic Processes and their Applications. Volume 128, Issue 2, February 2018, Pages 545-594.

The Itô Prize 2017 was awarded to Noemi Kurt, Adrain G. Casanova, Anton Wakolbinger and Linglong Yuan, for their paper entitled An individual-based model for the Lenski experiment, and the deceleration of the relative fitness  published in Stochastic Processes and their Applications. Volume 126, Issue 8, August 2016, Pages 2211-2252.

The Itô Prize 2015 was awarded to Francis Comets and Michael Cranston, for their paper entitled Overlaps and pathwise localization in the Anderson polymer model  published in Stochastic Processes and their Applications. Volume 123, Issue 6, June 2013, Pages 2446-2471.

The Itô Prize 2013 was awarded to Hirofumi Osada, for his paper entitled Interacting Brownian motions in infinite dimensions with logarithmic interaction potentials II: Airy random point field published in Stochastic Processes and their Applications Volume 123, Issue 3, March 2013, Pages 813-838.

The Itô Prize 2011 was awarded to Nathalie Eisenbaum and Haya Kaspi for their paper entitled On permanental processes, published in Stochastic Processes and Applications, Volume 119, Issue 5, May 2009, Pages 1401-1415.

The 2009 Itô Prize was awarded to Marc Wouts for the paper A coarse graining for the Fortuin-Kasteleyn measure in random media, Stochastic Processes and their Applications, Vol. 118, Issue 11, November 2008, Pages 1929-1972.

The 2007 Itô Prize was awarded to Sylvie Roelly and Michèle Thieullen for the paper Duality formula for the bridges of a Brownian diffusion: Application to gradient drifts, Stochastic Processes and their Applications, Vol. 15, Issue 10, October 2005, Pages 1167-1700.

The 2005 Itô Prize was awarded to Nicolai V. Krylov for the paper On weak uniqueness for some diffusions with discontinuous coefficients, Stochastic Processes and their Applications, Vol. 113, Issue 1, September 2004, Pages 37-64.

The first Itô Prize was awarded to Bem Hambly, James Martin and Neil O’Connell for the paper Concentration results for a Brownian directed percolation problem, Stochastic Processes and their Applications, Vol. 102, Issue 2, December 2002, Pages 207-220.

Prize Committee

The winning article is selected by the Editorial Board of the journal Stochastic Processes and their Applications.

- Description
- About Wolfgang Doeblin
- The Prize Committee
- Eligibility for the Prize
- Prize Article
- Sponsorship of the Prize
- Prize Lecture
- Doeblin Prize 2024


The prize is to honor the scientific work of Wolfgang Doeblin and to recognize and promote outstanding work by researchers at the beginning of their mathematical careers in the field of Probability.


The Wolfgang Doeblin Prize was founded in 2011. It is awarded bi-annually to a single individual for outstanding research in the field of probability, and who is at the beginning of his or her mathematical career.

The Wolfgang Doeblin Prize is generously supported by Springer. The awardee will be invited to submit to the journal Probability Theory and Related Fields a paper for publication as the Wolfgang Doeblin Prize Article, and will also be invited to present the Doeblin Prize Lecture at a World Congress of the Bernoulli Society, or at a later Conference on Stochastic Processes and their Applications.

About Wolfgang Doeblin

Wolfgang Doeblin was born in Berlin in 1915. His family, of Jewish origin, were forced into exile and settled in Paris, where Doeblin attended the Sorbonne. From 1935, when he began work on Markov chains under Fréchet, until his death in 1940, he was occupied whenever he was able with research in Probability. In this short time he made many deep and original contributions.

From 1938, he served in the French Army and was stationed in defense of the German invasion, which came in May 1940. He was awarded the Croix de Guerre for an action under enemy fire, to restore communications to his unit. Facing capture in June 1940, he took his own life.

Until the invasion, Doeblin had continued to work on mathematics. In February 1940 he sent to the Académie des Sciences de Paris a pli cacheté entitled Sur l'équation do Kolmogoroff. When finally in the year 2000 it was opened, it showed that he had understood many important ideas of modern Probability, including the potential crucial role of martingales.

The Prize Committee

The awarding of the Prize is determined by the Prize Committee. The Prize Committee members are the Chair of the Committee for Conferences on Stochastic Processes, the Managing Editor(s) of Probability Theory and Related Fields, together with four further co-opted members drawn from the Committee for Conferences on Stochastic Processes or the Editorial Board of Probability Theory and Related Fields. The co-opted members are appointed by the President of the Bernoulli Society on nomination by the Chair of the Committee for Conferences on Stochastic Processes, who will consult with Managing Editor(s) of Probability Theory and Related Fields.

The term of each nominated member is two years. The Prize Committee is chaired by the Chair of the Committee for Conferences on Stochastic Processes.

Eligibility for the Prize

The Prize is awarded for work in the field of Probability and it is awarded to a single Individual with outstanding work. It is intended for researchers at the beginning of their mathematical career. Nominees should normally be within 10 (calendar) years from getting their PhD to the prize year (for example, for the 2024 Doeblin Prize, this means anyone who got their PhD in or after 2014) with suitable adjustments to be made for career breaks post-PhD (for example, maternity/paternity leave or military service).

Prize Article

The awardee of the Prize is invited to submit to Probability Theory and Related Fields a paper which, if accepted, is published as the Wolfgang Doeblin Prize Article.

Sponsorship of the Prize

The Bernoulli Society gratefully acknowledges sponsorship of the Prize by Springer, consisting of 2500 Euros.

Prize Lecture

The awardee of the Prize is invited to present a Doeblin Prize Lecture in the next World Congress of the Bernoulli Society or the next Conference on Stochastic Processes and their Applications, whichever happens first. The Bernoulli Society will sponsor the participation of the speaker in the corresponding World Congress or SPA Conference.

Doeblin Prize 2024

- Description
- Call for Nominations in Probability
- Call for Nominations in Statistics
- Eligible Articles
- Current Recipients
- Previous Recipients



Probability and statistics are undergoing a substantial increase in both the breadth of scope and the mathematical technicality of many areas of specialization. There is a need for expertly written survey articles that will communicate an historic perspective on the successes, failures and general health of the area, as well as provide young researchers with a point of entry to the frontiers of the field. The Bernoulli Society plays a role in recognizing and communicating the importance of such scholarly efforts through a special award.

The Bernoulli Prize for an Outstanding Survey Article is to recognize authors of an influential survey publication in the areas of probability and statistics, respectively. The paper should be timely in addressing areas of active or emerging importance, but have been in circulation long enough for there to be evidence of its impact.

The award consists of the prize amount of 1000€ together with an award certificate. The amount may be adjusted in future years by joint request of committee chairs and approval of Bernoulli Council.

The combined awards are biennial. A paper in probability will be presented in a formal ceremony at the Bernoulli-IMS World Congress (BS-IMS-WC) in each year divisible by four. A prize for a paper in statistics will be awarded in each even year not divisible by four, and formally presented and formally presented at the ISI World Statistics Congress (ISI-WSC) in the following year.

Call for nominations in probability

The nominations are closed. 

The 2024 Prize Committee:

Markus Heydenreich (Chair), Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Jason Schweinsberg, University of California San Diego
Maria Eulalia Vares, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

The 2026 Prize Committee:

Alexander Aue (Chair), UC Davis
Sonia Petrone, Bocconi University 
Po-Ling Loh, University of Cambridge

Call for nominations in statistics

The next call for nominations is not yet open.

Eligible Articles

The article should appear in a peer reviewed journal or book, but may be in either print or electronic format. The chief editor where the paper appears will receive an official congratulatory letter of notification from the president of the Bernoulli Society.

Current Prize Recipients

2024 Bernoulli Prize for an Outstanding Survey Article in Probability

Christophe Ley. Gesine Reinert. Yvik Swan. For the article "Stein's method for comparison of univariate distributions." Probab. Surveys v.14, 1-52, 2017. https://doi.org/10.

Congratulations to the winners !

Previous Prize Recipients

2012 Bernoulli Prize for an Outstanding Survey Article
Nathanael Berestycki
for the article
Recent Progress in Coalsescent Theory. Ensaios Matemáticos, v.16:1-193, 2009.

2016 Bernoulli Prize for an Outstanding Survey Article
Rémi Rhodes and Vincent Vargas
for the article
Gaussian multiplicative chaos and applications: A review. Probability Surveys, v.11:315-392, 2014.

2020 Bernoulli Prize for an Outstanding Survey Article
Alexei Borodin and Leonid Petrov
for the article
Integrable probability: From representation theory to Macdonald processes. Probability Surveys, v.11:1-58, 2014.

2022 Bernoulli Prize for an Outstanding Survey Article
Ulrike von Luxburg
for the article
A tutorial on spectral clustering. Statistics and Computing, v.17:395-416, 2007.



© Bernoulli Society